ataraxium: Why are you so offended by the existence on non-european, non-male-centric, and non-heteronormative realities?
Are you even serious or is this kome kind of attempt at irony?
razePDB: Having just finished it, I would not say it is "woke". What I found a bit strange was that women definitely felt overrepresented. The BBE at the end? Woman. The one that gives you the Commander job? Woman. The one you answer to at the beginning? Woman, Half-Orc Paladin. The tutorial? You and two women. Divine assistance? Woman. Demonic assistance? Woman. Enemies? Loads of women. Males feel a bit missing - and if they are there, they feel like an afterthought. Either bland and without background or douchebags - no male badass here. From the german translation I play, some loading screen texts assume you playing a female.
It feels a bit off here... but it did not disturb me much. I thought this was to "atone" for having Chris Avellone on the last one, who meanwhile is canceled. And I do not know if this was Owlcat's decision or Paizo as the owner of the setting told them to do so.
tl,dr: Do not think too much on it. Call it subpar writing and roll with it. The whole "woke or anti-woke" drama is not worth it.
Thank you for this info. Well, I was asking because in Kingmaker the most badass testosterone-filled barbarbian with the biggest sword was... a woman, who of course had to preach about how being a woman in barbarian society in hard LOL. And the most stoic paladin - a woman. And later the couple half-elf female and half-orc male that proposes some kinda threesome, LOL.
For me it is totally immersion-breaking. Fantasy is/ always was a world which was "far, far away", "once upon a time" - a place where one could rest from all contemporary politics and BS. But now, sick rainbow ideologists have to destroy EVERYTHING they touch and and push woke propaganda whenever, wherver. Lord of the Rings, Star Wars. And movies are not enough. They do the same things to games.
razePDB: I thought this was to "atone" for having Chris Avellone on the last one, who meanwhile is canceled.
I wonder what happened to "innocent until proven guilty". Johnny Depp likes this ;)