dessoul: nah. some of the projects do give additonal stuff in the game. There are all kind of projects, for example one, where you get immune to poison in your regions. or one, where you get better in fighting and so on. When i am traveling in my kingdom, i have like 6 buffs improving my group. just like that. InEffect: I can read. if everything is so self-evident to you I would still want to know what exactly every stat does, including masters thresholds what every curse project exactly does, and what stats unlock what buildings. thanks.
as i am just playing since about 200 hours, i actually do not know so much. When this stuff develops, its kinda a kinder-egg surprise, what the next upgrade brings.
buildings itsself often does not bring much. there are a few exceptions:
halfling brewery (brings in a few BP extra per week)
hospital and bothel (improves the advisor points, when they try to solve events in this region)
there are other ones i cannot build, as they are bound to the attitute? (i miss the word for it, in my case chaotic good)
most buildings just brings in a few points in some area, like military, or economy, or whatever. in my eyes, they are just an gimmick, as you get a lot more points solving events by your advisor.
But as you can only level up every 20 points, they give you some additonal boost for being able to level up.
the leveling up (even as it needs damn long 14 days) improves the advisor level, when solving events. Additonal to it, it often gives in a few additonal points as well as some decicion for you, how to deal in a certain sitiuation. And there then comes the real bonuses: the stuff i showed you in some picture before.
So, the points itsself does not do much. they are only important in one area itsself, which is stabiltiy or loyalty (can´t remember, which one) if it gets down to zero in this area, you lose just like that. But the points are important for leveling up. when leveling up, you improve your advisors outcome and get some nice add-on, which can be kind of everything.
i wanted to test out, what leveling brings in in all this areas, but the game is rather stressed out, often it does give much time to level up in a relaxed manner. Even in times between the crisises, there is always something happening, companions wants "their" quest solved, some smaller quests comes up and so on. When they have fixed all this damn bugs, i wanted to start a new game and then test out to the max, up to which level i can improve this whole thing. but not now, as there is just too much annoying stuff going on.