pakgog: Hey InEffect,
Do you have some good tips on tanky Psychokineticist (using blade + wall/deadly earth when available), which element to pick, and what feat?
Thank you so much!
InEffect: Just the monk build from the guide give or take. Psycho is worse than default kineticist at everything, but it won't be that bad.
Momark: I would have given up on Pathfinder last November without the main build guide of InEffect. Now it is gone. :( Let me give a tardy thank you for making the game not a waste of money!
InEffect: not gone at all. As I said I'm not 16 and won't inconvenience anyone to prove some imaginary point. Devs don't give a damn anyways, so it would only hurt players. I just didn't do anything new in that thread for a while - mostly fixed old builds and stuff. Had a few new things planned, but that won't likely happen.
dem87: Hi, InEffect,
Thanks for your guides. Really help on first play.
Can you please help with 2nd playthrow evil character? I was wondering if there is an 'evil/neutral' fun build you can recommend for 2nd playthrow to get secret ending?
I had finished my first run as lawful good assimar with your melee sorc build and it was fun. But I do want to get a second play as neutral or evel char. Ideally 2 handed build with some exotic weapon. Tiefling maybe? I really don't want lg monk robes again lol.
Catch is - i'm ok with slight 'fix game', or have 'unfair' advantage as evil char may do, by adding extra feat or attribute +2 via console or using some mod. something a long those line to keep game intresting by using not traditional mechanic or weapon etc but not too broken by cheating game.
I know a lot of your build are limited in one way or form and I was wondering if there is a fun build you have in mind that can be 'made' working with slight adjustment for "evil" char.
InEffect: If you will be playing on unfair I guess it'd have to be a sorc of some stripe like AT one, or maybe dragonform sorc. Both will do alright once you will push through initial struggles of unfair. It's not that there is much of a shortage of builds that can be evil. Just most stuff that relies on monk robes is. So most shifter builds will be fine and armor is too. Depending on what you fancy it won't be hard to decide.
As to limitations... they only come in for pushing stuff to the limits. One can do a serviceable build out of most any concept and be fine.
What's the main advantages of Kineticist vs PsychoKineticist, looking at the class description isn't particular obvious , thanks!