PatTheMav: Also don't go overboard with the resolution - I got an Intel i7 4790 and 1080p is sub-30 FPS ;)
micktiegs_8: You don't have a graphics card? Just because it's an old game doesn't mean intel's integrated graphics will run rings around it.
Outcast's graphics are rendered by the CPU - your GPU (integrated or not) won't make much of a difference to performance.
EDIT: Yeah, running 1920x1080 is pretty intensive - I get 25 - 50 fps in the starting area (depending on where I'm looking). The first in-engine cutscene ran worse than gameplay (so far).
For some reason the white flash from using the gaamsav makes the game run at 1 - 5 fps until it disappears, and causes the screen to go black a few times - this happens even with the resolution turned down to 1280x720 (which otherwise runs pretty well). Anyone else experiencing this?
EDIT2: Turns out the black screens were my display drivers crashing... ouch.
Turns out both issues with saving can be avoided by running in (or switching to) windowed mode.