Xaujin: I love GOG - truly I do, I got Witcher 3 on here exclusively because of how much I love and support these guys.
Although I love them, I 100% cannot stand by this ridiculousness - and am now thinking of removing my pre-order from this platform and buying it either on the PS4 (though I loathe to do that) or from a physical store. How can a digital distributor not offer a pre-download at the very least to mitigate the "stagger".
Why should I wait more than half a day to install digital content when a store such as Target would have it at midnight on Thursday? Wasn't the whole purpose of making a platform like this to cut out the middle man and make it easier for consumers to get their products from developers?
Guess I am missing something.
Either way, I wish GOG the best and now I must take the time and deliberate whether or not I want to cancel my pre-order on this platform. *Sigh*
TL;DR - Disappointed in a digital distributors decision to stagger a digital release so that we are all stuck waiting to get a game half a day late.
Edit/Caveat - Unless of course it has to do with standard release dates for the whole "Worldwide Release", if so, then disregard and change my TL;DR to "They need to be A LOT more clear on why the release time is as it is - especially when people are concerned and being semi-vocal about it."
NOBODY is offering a PC preload. NOBODY has a physical disk for PC.
has made this choice; Steam has no preload either.