Connortheios: I just made the mind arc to bring to Artemis but the game tells me to use a station teleport to get them but whenever I try using it it tells me to teleport to my base yet when I teleport to my base it tells me to go back to the same space station I was at
I had the same issue a while back. In the end it seemed to resolve itself.
Rather than try and fix the problem I simply started following a different story thread, and a while later I noticed that the teleport 'loop' had cleared.
I don't recall doing anything special, but I did head away from the system where the mission was active by a few jumps and the mission finally reset itself to be in my new local system.
Sorry that I can't give you a recipe to follow.
EDIT - There's a fix coming in the next patch - currently (01 Oct 2019) in the dev branch.