djdarko: I'm curious, what are the problems with the Arcade Collection? I have the PS3 version and it's really good, I play it all the time and haven't really noticed any problems, is there something uniquely wrong with the Windows version? Or is it just that it uses GFWL?
There are some problems related to the PC version but not all of them. When it comes to PC - for starters problems with GFWL that prevents many people from even playing the game (the infamous "press enter" screen). Then there is no option to rebind directional keys on a keyboard and inability to play locally unless you have 2 XInput controllers (one player on a keyboard and second on a gamepad is not an option). There are supposedly some workarounds with messing with the config files but in game options don't allow any of this.
Then there are universal problems that consoles had as well - audio problems. In MK1 music in Goro's lair stops after introduction, in MK2 you can hear some skipping in music (because the track is internally chopped into smaller files).
The problems that I don't know whether they are platform specific or not (but I would guess not) are: in MK2 if you leave the game in demo mode all sound will stop after a few minutes, at some point after a ladder fight the game will take you to a character select screen (not just after Jade fight) and there are some corrupt sprites on Kintaro.