Posted September 05, 2013

Cybernetic is a much better pick if you're going to try to avoid shield techs for other techs earlier in the game. As it stands, I always seem to get Sparky, and since he comes with Advanced Damage Control much of Cybernetic's charm is taken away :(
I never ever play this game on anything but Impossible anymore. Also sadly I don't usually have the patience for Large or Huge Galaxies either.
Ground Combat is something I nerf quite often as it does not effect much as I don't usually invade/conqurer enemy races 90% of the time. And it is also one of the things that is easiest to make up for with Rifle/Armor's as well as spec systems and Leaders. Unlike Ship Offense as I never research any other than the first 25% ones myself unless I manage to steal the thing I wanted in that category.
For instance when you get the chance for Optronic Computers, +50%, Neural Scanner has always been my choice. For Positronic 75% comps Planetary Super Comp is better to me. And I think Cybertronic 100% has the Structural Analyzers iirc.
As for Cybernetic not being useful just because you have Advanced Damage Control, well you must only send Fleets that Annihilate them in 1-2 turns of combat then as anything more and it would be self explanatory. I have had 1 of my Battle Ships take out 8 of the enemies single handedly when they declared war and attacked ME. Usually this happens when the computer thinks it has the edge so you can see why i always choose it.
Also on Impossible computer always seems to have reduced ship costs no matter what it actually says. To me it's not to smart to try to play the numbers game with them.