Krypsyn: I'm not the only one then, hehe. I think I made the race the same way (sometimes replacing -Spying with Uncreative), naming the leader Locutus. This is one of the concept races I would play every once in a while that included Repulsive.
As far as it being tough on newbies, I am not so sure I agree, There is something comforting about knowing all the other races hate you. That way you don't have to worry about keeping their schizo political AI in line. Unification and Cybernetic together is a fairly forgiving combination, too.
I picked -spying because the Borg always seem just fine with letting random aliens wander around their facilities unmolested - it seems to fit the way they act in the series.
I find Repulsive to be a relatively rough pick for a newbie, because a newbie is likely to be playing at a difficulty level where diplomacy is easy, profitable, and can result in winning the game accidentally. It matters far less when you have the skill to take on all challengers and win and are playing on a difficulty setting where that's what you're going to end up doing anyway. My take on it, anyway. The AI is only really schizo once you get to hard or impossible.