Posted August 10, 2015

I didn't check, because spending money on scrolls is highly unaffordable luxury. Real mode+ makes you forget that such vendor tab even exists. Don't forget that most things in real mode+ are MUCH more expensive and you get significantly LESS gold from everything, to the point that you have to farm cereals in the beginning of the game just for the blessings.
Also remember that all gold you waste on scrolls and similar things = a lot of wasted experience for nothing (because you will be able to indirectly convert gold into exp). And Golot, Learning and Mercantilism will decide rate of EXP return.
About food. Food from Fog of War (shouldn't be mistaken for Hunting skill) and food from encounters is limited. You ended up with more than what you had just because of difficulty mode. On higher difficulty modes 2 Nengorth patrols usually require you to rest, and there are around 3 of them as random encounters and around 4 stationary. Farming food often stands on the way on higher difficulty modes (and no, buying food from NPC is not sustainable at all).
1, Scrolls are random at higher levels. It seems there is a limit to the number that can be in stock at any one time. It is possible for weak spells to show up at higher levels. I didn't see anything like Mass Regeneration or Comets Shower, however. Incinerate Air and End of Flames always restock to a quantity of 2, however. (I saw End of Flames I show up randomly, which appears to be the same as End of Flames, but more expensive.)
2. Weaker potions eventually disappear from the store. No more Potion I/II at high levels. (You can still get Light Heal V scrolls if you really want them, however.)
3, The store restocks at 10 am, right when the day advances. For the first town, the restocks are on the multiple-of-3 days. One possible strategy might be to save right before 10 am and then reload if the item you want doesn't appear.
4. Training costs (on Normal difficulty): starts at 50, increase by 50 the first 9 trainings, then increase by 1000 up to 19-20 trainings (cost about 1500). After that, no more, but the trainer says something about being trained in other villages.
5. Inn costs do not scale. Therefore, if you are in town and need to rest, going to the inn makes sense at higher levels. Note that (on Normal difficulty) this is not the case at lower levels: If you can get a day's food for less than 60 gp, you should buy the food from the merchant and rest instead. (Remember, resting at the inn does not cost any food.) If you want to restock the items quickly, 3 days of rest costs only 120 gp in total.