yrch: Simple question:
will there be any option to remove or replace the spiders/their models in this game?
As someone who has a pretty hefty arachnophobia the fact that spiders will jump right in your face alone hinders me from buying this very promising looking game.
No offense intended, but as I am sure you can imagine with the number of phobias out there this could easily get out of control. Just to name a few that might be affected by this game:
Achluophobia – fear of darkness
Agrizoophobia – fear of wild animals
Ailurophobia – fear of cats
Astraphobia – fear of thunder and lightning
Chiroptophobia – fear of bats
Decidophobia – fear of making decisions
Hydrophobia – fear of water
Hylophobia – fear of trees, forests or wood
Murophobia – fear/dislike of mice and/or rats
Necrophobia – fear of death and/or the dead
Spectrophobia – fear of ghosts and phantoms
Do you see how this would easily spiral out of control to the point where there is no game left if the developers tried to accommodate phobias?
I think the answer to this question is like any other game...if the content bothers you then don't play it. Simple as that.