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*This post DO NOT include major spoilers. This post include information about one monster type in game and some informations about spells.*

Hi. I would be grateful for answers for those questions.

1.What is maximum level of hero?

2.Are there any teleportation devices/scrols for two way teleportation from deep level of dungeon to town and back? DO NOT tell me what to do to obtain it please. I know about Divine Mercy combined with Holly Ground. But Paladin which i play do not have access to those spels (class restriction) and i doubt it works betwen town and dungeon.

3. Do You also suffer from weapon and armor being demaged enormously fast, especially against orcs? My equipment is totaly broken after 2-3 fights with five orc warior(two of them are orange) war pack. Sometimes weapon with durability 50 can't stand one battle like this.

Please do not spoil the story. Thanks.
Post edited September 13, 2012 by the_zyd
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1) Not sure. At least lvl 48.
2) Divine mercy + holy ground is all there is. It's one way and works from any distance I've been told. *Note there are portals at the end of large dungeons that will take you outside. Once you've used it once you can then enter back into the other gate to return to the final level.
3) Paladins can repair their gear themselves. Doesn't cost anything. Really shouldn't be a problem.
Post edited September 13, 2012 by lothar69
the_zyd: 3. Do You also suffer from weapon and armor being demaged enormously fast, especially against orcs? My equipment is totaly broken after 2-3 fights with five orc warior(two of them are orange) war pack. Sometimes weapon with durability 50 can't stand one battle like this.
What difficulty are you playing? I'm playing on easy and almost never have to repair, maybe it's because you play on normal or hard.
lothar69: 3) Paladins can repair their gear themselves. Doesn't cost anything. Really shouldn't be a problem.
Not going to be a problem if i decide to pick smith skill. I consider it right now. I try to deduce is it better to pick smith skill or don't do this and repair things in town. Points saved for fighting or magic skills sounds good. But as far i can see, this game do not have useless skills like almost every game. Survival/discover skills are extremely important.

And about that maximum level. I saw screen shot on official GOG info with hero level 100.
I wonder is it max or not.
Nirth: What difficulty are you playing? I'm playing on easy and almost never have to repair, maybe it's because you play on normal or hard.


4.Maybe is it possible to ask your party members to repair your equipment ?
Post edited September 13, 2012 by the_zyd
Well besides the obvious benefit of saving money I wouldn't say it's absolutely necessary. But I haven't played a paladin so I don't know what it's truly like in the long term as a melee class. Three things to consider though. First, your going to have to go back to town periodically to buy potions and sell loot anyways so the smith skill isn't necessarily going to allow you to stay away from town longer. Second, skill purchase costs are as follows -

Skill level 2-5: Cost 1 Skill Point
Skill level 6-10: Cost 2 Skill Points
Skill level 11-15: Cost 3 Skill Points
Skill level 16-20: Cost 4 Skill Points

So every skill costs 33 points to get to master rank (16 skill) and 49 points to cap (20 skill). Paladins start with 2 of the 7 spell books but they can only take these to rank 2 so their cap is 10. The identification skill is largely considered useless. Ranged skill is also meaningless for a Paladin.

Capped Skills
7 Spell Skills = 14 * 7 = 98 pts
10 Non-Magical Skills = 49 * 10 = 490 pts
Total 588
Total Levels 147

It's clear that capping everything with only points obtained through levels is impossible if the level cap is indeed 100.

Master Skills
7 Spell Skills = 6 * 7 = 42
10 Non-Magical Skills = 33 * 10 = 330
Total 372
Total Levels 93

It's possible to get maxed rank skills within 100 levels. The question is how likely is it you'll cap your level during the course of the game without extreme grinding? That I don't know.

Third, stat caps for paladins are as follows -
Str 90
Dex 60
Int 50
Con 60
Spd 50

I could go into detail here but I won't. It takes 260 stat points to completely max every stat or at 4 stats per level, level 65 without any other supplements.

I guess I should do this for the other classes and post it to the Q&A thread as this was something I was curious about when I was wondering how to plan my character.
genies can teleport you where you want.
I thought they would only return you back to town? I've never done it either way. I don't waste them for teleports. And fyi the_zyd genies aren't really a spoiler since the loading screens mention them. You'd have learned about it either way.
Here is screen shoot from official trailer so I trust it's not cheated(hero level 100). Maybe heavy grind is needed for that level, who knows. Bunus experience armor set can help achieve that I think. I've got +52% (plus hit chance incrase)exp set. I saw very little of the game (I'm in first serious dungeon) and already I have colected 60k exp and 22lvl kiling minion creatures without extreme grinding.Thx for information about stat caps Lothar. I did'nt know that. Imporant thing.

Indentification skill isn't that bad. Depends on your goals. Inquisitorial magic have spell that identifies things, but to identify more powerfull items i have to invest more points in this magic. If u are Priest it's better to pick Inquisitorial magic and have all the spells and as a bonus- identification spell. Paladin have cap on magic skills (10) so he will not identify most powerfull items by Inquisitorial identifie spell. He can use it to identify crap, sell it and make more money. And if your goal as Paladin is to identify all items, not crap only- u have to pick Identification skill. Those are my assumptions. Correct me if I'm wrong.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------
Considering all those information I think I will make my Paladin like this:

I will going to wear 40-50% bonus exp set most the time (excluding some heaviest fights) and try to achieve level 100.

Two hand weapon Paladin:

1.Melee Combat 20/20 [cost 49 pts]
2.Armor Use 20/20 [cost 49 pts]
3.Holy Protection 20/20 [cost 49 pts]
4.Sturdiness 20/20 [cost 49 pts]
5.Divine Strike 20/20 [cost 49 pts]
Incrase chance of critical hit and stuning enemies.

6. Enemy Estimation 20/20 [cost 49 pts]
Here i wonder. Am I be able to estimate all, even strongest enemies, and all their stats if I make this skill on master 16/20? On top this skill also incrase fighting and spell casting.

7. Smith 16/20 [cost 33 pts]
Same question here. Master and 16/20 is enough to fix every weapon/armor ? I think I'll take this instead of Defence skill. Reflect Wounds spell (Divine Magic level 10) reflect 20-25% of demage. This going to be substitute (combined with HP set, and life leech slayer weapon) of Defence skill. So You say I have to come back to town time to time anyway, to sell loot. But coming back to town (and back to dunegon, on foot) after one bloody batle with 5 heavy armored orcs bastards its to much for me. I just found out how painful hardcore this game is. If I fight against naked, low rank orcs or spiders its not that bad to maintain durability of stuff. But armors of orc havy warriors makes your weapons jagged, and their blows leave your armor in miserable condition.

8.Divine Magic 10/10 [cost 14 pts]
Most basic and most important. Healing and resurection. Plus Reflect Wounds for my build.

9. Magic of True Faith 10/10 [cost 14pts]
Healing diseases and remove poisoning. Usefull.

10.Magic of Miracles 10/10 [cost 14 pts]
Precious Levitation and weapon ignition spell to extend demage.

11. Remaining 27 points I'll invest probably in Perception skill. Goal is to find some additional loot. Maybe it helps to find material proofs in investigation as well. Anyone knows ?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------

levels 100
skill points used 396 (4 skill pints per each of 99 levels)
stats: all cap reached
Post edited September 14, 2012 by the_zyd
The identify spell works on everything even if you have only 1 skill. So it might be better to say the spell is too powerful. So all you have to do is buy the book and the spell and it costs nothing skill point wise.

XP set might work. Will suck not having any other bonuses though.

Not positive how estimation works. But the description in the book suggests that rank determines what qualities you can see and skill points give bonuses to hit, armor, spell penetration. So the short answer is, yes, I think you're right. You can see all stats at master rank 16/20.

Yes, same with Smithing. 16/20 should allow you to repair anything.

Purge isn't such a good spell, imo. Unless you can master True Faith you won't be able to dispell high level poisons. Which a paladin can't do even if they wanted to. Best way to deal with poison is healing and or potions.

Perception is good for finding traps too. Most plot/quest items aren't hidden. But there are herbs, for example, that would be easier to spot with perception. Make sure to toggle on F4 so you can see items on the ground.
Let me guess. Sometimes Devils Root herb is hidden on the ground and only Perception gives a chance to discover it? Root or other item won't appears on ground otherwise?

And what abbout those party members? Is it possible to ask them to repair things for example?
Post edited September 14, 2012 by the_zyd
Hmmm. On second thought I'm not sure. I think perception only works on hidden caches. I just saw a devil root at the very edge of my screen thanks to F4. I think it's too far for perception. Devil root is just hard to see because it's usually behind a tree, etc.
So if there is hidden cache on level to high for my Perception i won't get active cursor to open it and take a look inside?
Yeah. I've noticed new hidden caches when I've gone back to old areas I've explored (when I've gotten higher perception).
That's cool dude. Thanks for all info. Maybe we don't know everything for sure but topic gave a little bit light on some things. At least for me. I'll report what is maximum level soon, be sure.
Post edited September 25, 2023 by coffeecatttt