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As I said before according to the manual (and I assume the in game description as well) estimation also gives bonuses to hit, armor, and spell penetration. To hit is probably a welcome stat against heavily armored opponents. But without knowing the mechanics/formulas I couldn't say if this was always the case. Some rpg's take into account the level difference between attacker/defender to scale effective defense or attack. Armor is again of unknown value. If you're considerably higher level than your opponent then your armor value might be of little consequence as they may have a chance in hell of hitting you. Spell penetration seems useless for a paladin. I think this is an attempt to bandaid the fact that paladins only get rank 1 spells. It probably means a lot of spell failure for offensive spells. Well I don't think paladins should bother trying to cast offensive spells. Stick to buffs, utility, etc.
Post edited September 25, 2023 by coffeecatttt
If only we could see some of the mechanics displayed in the message/log area. I believe the BG series had an option to turn on 'rolls' so you could see hits, misses, crits, etc. Without that sort of feedback much of this is purely subjective.
I miss more mechanics displayed too. I don't know when Critical Hit succeed or not, enemy is stuned or not. Game manual is nice, made in good mood, but it lack many information (as usual in other games too).I have to find out everything my own. Even things like active pause button-> 'pause/break'.

Of course I can presume some of enemy resistances in obvious cases. But I thought it could be nice to have HP bar of enemy and statistics of untypical monsters and bosses. Also it's possible that stacking some Paladin buff spells (+ Spell Penetration) and bonus from Enemy Estiamtion can make offensive magic (or/and bufs and spells like Purge) worth something.

Lothar you said that Paladin Purge and Disease Remove not going to work against realy strong poisons and diseases. What about Dispel Magic then? Spell description indicates that spell works always regardless of hostile spell power. Minus is it removes all magic on area even buffs of your party. Remove of strong magic poison by Dispel Magic sounds interesting for me.

Damn I still don't know: can party members cast detoxify spells or can I ask them to repair eq(if they have such ability)?
Post edited September 15, 2012 by the_zyd
Speaking of Baulder's Gate like feedback... Obsidian just started a kickstarter for a old school 2d rpg called Project Eternity. Should be interesting what they come up with. If you didn't know these are the guys behind Planescape: Torment, Fallout 1/2, FO:NV, Kotor2, etc.

I wasn't trying to say estimation was useless but I don't know if I'd make it a priority either. It's a utility with a minor buff tacked on.

Actually I'm not sure about remove disease but I know purge only works up to a certain 'danger level' from what I remember of the in game description. The description for remove disease in the manual seems to indicate it's the same as purge though.

I know that dispel magic doesn't work on poison. I've tried it before. I don't think the game makes a distinction between poison attacks and poison magic. Both forms give you the same effect on your character. An effect that dispel magic doesn't consider magical I guess. I haven't tried dispel magic for other effects. Most of the others don't last long enough for me to bother. Poison lasts too long in this game.

Speaking of effects before I switched to playing my priest I encountered some undead knights? (don't remember what they were called) on my thief and they giving me a bleed/poison like effect that wasn't showing up in character tooltip and was 100x worse than regular poison. I couldn't dispel it and had to chain drink potions to stay alive. Fortunately it doesn't last as long as regular poison. Still it's annoying as it drains your HP *fast*.

I don't think I've ever seen a companion cast a spell much less be commanded to do so.
I think about making a highly moderated topic about game mechanics. No spoilers. Just study of game mechanics, very detailed. Maybe i shouldn't boter because this is already done in Q&A topic. But I'm to afraid of spoilers to check that hehe. I always miss ' No spoilers guide of hero creation adn game mechanics'. By gamers for gamers, right ?

I have tested Paladins Defence skill. It need more tests. It is done on 1/20 skill. But I'm not able to do this right now because of lack of points to invest. However after catch of 10 hits delivered by orc warior i found out this.

no active Defence: average demage received 28, average stamina loss 28
active Defence: average demage received 25, average stamina loss 39
active Defence on level1 cause reduce demage by 11% and increase Stamina loss by 29% per recived demage

If investment in Defence do not cause further increase of stamina loss and and it make considerable reduction of HP loss, it could be very good pick. Especialy because stamina regenerates on its own quite fast and armor properties give huge bonuses like +40% stamina regeneration incrase per one armor part. HP doesn't regenerate at all and amor parts provide much, much less regeneration like 2hp/10sec.

I'm going to check that Obsidian game. I recomend to check out game called UnderRail. Postapo turn based old school crpg. It's on Steam Greenlight and also has own website.
Post edited September 15, 2012 by the_zyd
lol well as interesting as I find this stuff I don't have the patience/time to actually collect data. Maybe if it was in a log, but when the only information is damage fly away text... not my cup of tea.

The easiest way to test would be to use the cheat codes, but I don't know how you feel about that. It's what I used to get the caps/skill point costs figured out. Just created a new char and didn't save it when I was done.

Hmmm.. UnderRail looks promising. Hopefully it gets a little polishing. But the video is alpha. I know the author was going for atmospheric but it was almost too dark and the flashing lighting didn't help. But then I'm an ancient gamer. Don't mind me. At any rate I hope it gets greenlit.
So far i saw items with max 3 properties (yellow, high strength of each propertie) and 2 properties ( green- lower strength of each propertie and blue- higher strength of each propertie). What about you?

Cheatcode probably will ruin my mind to play this game, even cheat for mechanics. I could do it but after 1st playthrough.

The Age of Decadnece game looks interesting also.
Post edited September 15, 2012 by the_zyd
Yeah, green, blue, yellow. As discussed in another thread yellow items given as rewards for some quests can be 'rerolled' by saving before you turn in the quest and reloading until you get something that is useful. Unfortunately most of the itemization in this game is random so it's been my experience I rarely get anything my character can use. It's up to you if you think this is cheating.

lol. Yeah, I've only used them for testing. There is arguably a legitimate reason to use one of them at times. If you misplace/destroy/sell a quest item you can use one of the cheat codes to create the quest item so that you don't lose progress by having to reload some old save. Personally this hasn't happened to me and I save often enough that I'd just reload.

Yeah Age of Decadence looks more polished than a lot of the other games on greenlight. The graphics look a little dated. 3D never ages as well as 2D. Though it depends on the art style too. At the end of the day though it's gameplay that matters. It looks to have a lot of skills and abilities. I'll keep an eye on it.
So 3 properties is max? Damn I had hoped for 5 like in Ultima or more than five like Diablo. Can I find same yellow item in monsters loot/ chest? Or quest reward its the only source and I can't have a chance to find same item?
I think I've seen yellow drop off boss/npc's but it's not common. I've never seen a yellow in a chest before, but maybe I'm just unlucky? And yes 3 properties is the max as far as I've seen.
I know this is a 1-month necro, but it came up while I was searching for other stuff... You can definitely have more than 3 properties, and, at least on normal, yellow items only drop from specific bosses/chests/circumstances as big rewards, and most are quest related. That being said, if you use melee, you'll probably find some pretty great yellows. As a priest, I found a yellow armor and nothing topped it until I found an even better one :) The weapons were kind of meh, but having yellow shields with good stat boosts helped, as did finally finding a yellow bow.
Yes it's true- more than 3 properties apperas. And it's awlays totaly random. For me this is biggest downside of the game. Terribly bad idea to make epic stuff random if you cant re-loot it. Hope there is way to tranfsorm item properties. Otherwise -2 to final game score.