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As a thief it's easy enough to pick your way through most things but others can either find the key or bash the door down by hitting 't' and attacking it. Some doors are trapped so you might want to 'bash' with a bow and arrow to be safe.
lothar69: As a thief it's easy enough to pick your way through most things but others can either find the key or bash the door down by hitting 't' and attacking it. Some doors are trapped so you might want to 'bash' with a bow and arrow to be safe.
I bashed 1st door for long time so I thought doors in mine are unbashable :)
But door on 2nd level did bulge after few min. I was bashing it but not for long because of bad experience with 1st lvl dors. BUT they opened now and I got the key for those dors on 1st level.. Thank you!
Post edited September 13, 2012 by Soul2blade
gubandru: Could anybody please tell me how i get the letters to acuse Cardinal Truncquillius? I can't find the letters...

And Harph don't recognize nothing, is in prison, but he don't tell me nothing even is tortured, even i have his diary. Is a bug, or?

flabbyjack: I assume to find the letters to accuse Cardinal Truncquillius you will need to finish the Devil's Caverns or some other dungeon in Act 2. But frankly I have the same issue -- I want to burn him NOW!

Regarding Soldier Harph(For the third time now! Please be sure to read or search prior pages in this thread) - You need to talk to the actor/thief Tinthian in the NE corner of the Wasteland. You may also need to talk to some NPC in town before so you speak to him (An NPC in town lets you know that Tinthian is a witness).
Thanks mate. Now is good with Harph, i did not know about Tinthian. And about the letters, I cleared the Devil's Cavern and all dungeons in Act 2, but i will search again, because nothing happens.

Nvm, solved :D Time to go forward.
Post edited September 13, 2012 by gubandru
here is the situation. i took the quest to become a judge, and after that took a quest to find the cardinal's letters. so Tinthan helped me with the letters, but as i was told he is also needed to give evidence against Harph. there was no dialogue options considering Harph, he only stole letters and said that he is going to travel around the world. checked the wastelands but there is no Tinthan near the fireplace. is there a way to complete Harph's quest now?
you should ask tinthan about soldier harph right after you helped him to return to the town.
i got this information later, should have kept more savegames of course. so there is no way to complete the judge quest for me now?
well, tinthan is in the act 3 too, maybe there you can get evidence from him. i don't know.
Has anybody found the hammer of the blacksmith's father in act 2 yet? I know that the question has been asked around here serveral times but I couldn't find an answer so far.
Post edited September 13, 2012 by LordCrash
it's in a tree stump in the devil's caves location.
avatar it's in a tree stump in the devil's caves location.
Found it! Thank you.
This game sucks hard. My paladin is supposed to be the hero yet when an enemy bat sneezes on him, my paladin craps his pants. The stamina system is terrible and is worse than Arcanum's fatigue system. The game developer's must be foreigners, thats the only explanation for their behavior. Lol. Here's a hint, when you make a game for 12 years, try and make something that might actually be user-friendly. Not something where the tutorial gives my paladin the shits for a week.
butthurt american guy. how symbolic.
What level are you now? my pally was kinda pathetic too in the beginning, but now on lvl 34 i have 700 hp and pretty much one/two hit everything. hate ghosts though they dont care about melee damage output.
Man this harph guy is a piece of work. He solicits me to kidnap a baroness so he can rape her yet I can't turn him in to the sheriff or for heresy. I'm wondering if I can keep his gold and turn him in later for the other deeds I read about in this thread.
I gave up on this game as well. Its not really the difficulty that I dislike, its moreso that its a real time rpg. I thought the game was going to be turnbased.
yes you can. he is the undead master, so you'll burn him anyways.