Posted September 11, 2013

And 5 levels do make a difference when turning undead.
You can still cast spells if you are attacked, defensive harmony or holy word have a casting time of 1 for example and in order to get a spell interrupted you not only have to get attacked you also have to get hit while casting.
Not all characters have to do damage in combat, a supporter who helps the others to shine like a singing bard works well too. In some battles it might make a small difference if your party gets 11 instead of 10 attacks per round but the cleric levels will sometimes make a big difference.
Turn undead can be good or bad. It was useful in cramped areas to get a little breathing space but I never used the ability all that much. It was also annoying having to chase down undead that fled into unexplored or trapped territory. I thought bottlenecking them in a doorway with 2-3 tanks in the front was much more effective than turning undead and have them run away.
All characters should be doing damage or at least causing some trouble for the enemy, the singing bard is the exception. They're very useful against the harpies in TOTLM and their combat bonus songs are always great and best of all, the songs don't have durations, spells do. Even when putting a cleric in a support role I still say the single class cleric doesn't cut it. The extra few clerics levels did made a difference in my games but the differences weren't in my favour. When I switched the single class cleric out for a multi class, I was getting better results.
Post edited September 12, 2013 by IwubCheeze