Beamdog get too much hate IMO; I actually liked the Enhanced Editions (although I haven't tried SOD, so I haven't really seen their take on full expansion content yet).
I think part of the issue is the previously set bar phenomenon - they took on the task of revamping some of the most beloved games in RPG history, so even what would in isolatio probably be seen as decent or even pretty good content gets boos from a vocal sector of the community because it's not seen as reaching the same standard that had been previously reached.
This actually probably happens a lot when something reaches a high point, Ultima VIII being probably the most famous other example (it's actually a pretty good game taken on its own, but people's expectations were fueled by the Ultima VII duology which was one of the best pairs of CRPGs ever made, so disappointment reigned among many). Ultima IX, mind you, was much more justly crucified (it's not quite the RPG equivalent to Big Rigs Over the Road Racing, but it was very plainly not ready for release, whether or not EA had issued an ultimatum), but I don't think Beamdog has done anything quite that poor (yes, they tend to have a lot of bugs at release, but that seems to be pretty much every AAA game in this era of easy post-release patching and release schedules tending to be given far more importance than whether the product is ready - also in the case of BG1EE in particular, they had a lot of work to do, even community mods to play BG1 in the BG2 engine had frequent showstopper bugs due to the engine changes).
Personally I would probably buy an IWD3 if it came out.