(About Final Fantasy 1)
Bookwyrm627: I don't know what you're talking about.
WMs get Lamp (useful against Dark abilities), Mute (useful against casting monsters), Alit (useful against lightning), and Invs (keep that WM alive!) at level 2. At level 4, they get Aice (useful against ice users), and Amut (useful against muting monsters).
Of note:
Lamp is only useful if an enemy blinds you, and the status ailment wears off after a battle anyway. If this happens in a random battle, you can run away or just power through with spells, and if you're fighting a boss (Kraken), you should already have items that give you free spells to cast.
Alit might be occasionally useful, but it is situational and depends on the caster going first. The same can be said about Aice.
Invs is not as good as Ruse at raising evasion. The only advantages that Invs has are being able to target allies and using up a less useful spell level's MP.
Amut has 2 problems: It can't be cast if you're already silenced, and silence is extremely rare. Silence is so rare, in fact, that it isn't unlikely that you will complete the entire game without being silenced once. Also, if you do get silence, there is a decent chance that your white mage is affected by the spell and can't cure it. (Also, note that some of the enemies that cast this spell are undead, and a white mage has better spells to use against such enemies.) I remember taking this spell and regretting it.
Edit: More notes on enemies using AMUT:
According to
http://guides.gamercorner.net/ff/spells/mute and
there are only 4 enemies that use the spell, as follows:
EYE: It's the 6th spell in the rotation, so you are not going to see it, as you will want to kill it quickly because it starts with instant death attacks that you do *not* want to get hit by (and it only has 162 HP)
PHANTOM: It's the 7th spell in the rotation, and by this point most of your party should be immune. Also, the first two spells in the rotation are STOP and ZAP!, which are far more dangerous.
WzVAMP: Second spell in the rotation, but the chance of spell use is only 1/4 (not 1/2 like the ones listed previously). More likely time to encounter this spell, but still easy enough to kill them first.
GrNAGA: Second on the list with 3/4 spell chance, but these enemy does not appear to be that dangerous. Maybe AMUT might be useful here, but is it really worth it, especially when you could just use normal attacks or just run? Also, you might already be finding Ribbons by this point.