Posted May 25, 2019

In particular, the ending crash, which was not a WINE specific bug (it was reported by people playing the game in real Windows), turned out to be a case of a couple files missing from the GOG build; it has since been rectified.
(It did take many years, along with somebody posting a link to download the missing files and someone to bring it to Mastiff's attention, for the bug to finally be fixed, but it's fixed now, and the game can be completed and New Game + started.)
* CrossOver is based on WINE, and therefore it is still running under WINE "emulation".
* I don't have a Mac OS computer, as I am using Linux.
Now, if only they would fix that one Xanadu game that has major graphical glitches under WINE I would be happy.
Post edited May 25, 2019 by Flanua