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serpantino: Maybe not but these things are usually pretty obvious when it comes to impending license changes, publisher changes etc. Not hard to predict on GOG's part if they kept an eye on their Publishers and then they could at least warn of the possibility and run a disclaimer that it's just a potential loss.
I think GOG has better things to do than that.

You know, you can always buy games when they are on sale. You don't have to wait till they disappear.
serpantino: Maybe not but these things are usually pretty obvious when it comes to impending license changes, publisher changes etc. Not hard to predict on GOG's part if they kept an eye on their Publishers and then they could at least warn of the possibility and run a disclaimer that it's just a potential loss.
SLP2000: I think GOG has better things to do than that.

You know, you can always buy games when they are on sale. You don't have to wait till they disappear.
Thanks for stating the obvious, however things aren't that simple.
I have a lot more gog games than I've played because I collect as much as play. I also like to have digital gog copies of old games I own but I will only buy them at discounted pricing, unless I know they're going to be removed. A lot of games I am interested in but unsure of so they're low priority buys, however they may be of interest down the line and if I know a game is going to be removed then I am far more likely to grab it whilst I have the chance. There's other factors too such as income etc.

As for better things to do.... I'm sure that being informed of the pending loss of titles from the site is a lot more important to most gogers than coming up with rubbish gimmicks for sales and daft videos.
serpantino: As for better things to do.... I'm sure that being informed of the pending loss of titles from the site is a lot more important to most gogers than coming up with rubbish gimmicks for sales and daft videos.
GOG is busy bringing new games, and all games GOG had to remove except Dark Matter were on sale before.

Also, If they inform about possible loss of game and then it won't happen, that would be false advertising. And people would be very angry.

I understand that you are not happy, I've been there before with Colin and TOCA - I could have joined GOG while there were on "last days on GOG sale", but I've decided not to, and I regret that.

But the only way to avoid this is to buy games when they are on sale.
Post edited January 30, 2014 by SLP2000
I really don't want to bitch and moan to GOG, as you guys do a great job, as far as I'm concerned, of distributing and selling video games in this digital age of ours.

What I wanted to say, though, is that it's really sad to see Guilty Gear XX #Reload go. It's an awesome game (way better than Isuka), definitely one of the best fighting games I've ever played -- and I played a whole lot of them -- and though action games don't have the ultra-vocal GOG community, like, say, RPGs and RTSes, it's still really sad to see a game of the caliber of GGX2R removed from the GOG catalog.

I truly hope those legal issues can be addressed and resolved soon, and to hopefully have this game back on GOG. Sure, I bought it (full price, even, it's more than worth it), I own it, but I also care about GOG and other gamers having access to good games like X2 #Reload, and in light of that it's always a bummer whenever a good game gets pulled from the catalog.
Why the BLEEP do developers, IP holders et al always feel the need to pull games.

I found Obscure had disappeared from GamersGate only a day before I decided to buy it. Second Sight and Space Rangers went from under me here.
XIII, Cryostasis, Dark Fall + 2, Re-Volt and now Guilty Gear X2 have all been pulled with little to no formal warning. Did something happen in the world of business where it is now better to just pull something and hurt the end users - the customers - rather then sit down and talk things out like grown-ups.

I know that there were a million and one issues that screwed up the Fallout IP and I am really disappointed that it was pulled from the GOG catalog, but at least we all had plenty of heads up, with something close to 4 months.
I really think that there are too many small minded, petty, bureaucratic, money grabbers running companies (full stop) that in the end this monolithic monopoly that we are heading towards will end up with us sitting under the udders of this big company smiling and thinking they love us just because they remember to show us a little smile once every decade.

Sorry for the rant, but I get really annoyed with how things just disappear these days, so much is lost and it annoys me when I miss out on things if I wish to remain law abiding, when these corporations force us to break the law to enjoy ourselves.

I also hate that the KPax is no longer available on DVD in the UK for some reason. :(
serpantino: Thanks for stating the obvious, however things aren't that simple.
I have a lot more gog games than I've played because (...)
Noone cares. At least GOG is giving you a heads up in the forums, nobody else is doing that.

Putting front page news about removing games wouldn't make them a good business and if you don't understand that, that's not my problem and definitely not a GOG's problem.
serpantino: Thanks for stating the obvious, however things aren't that simple.
I have a lot more gog games than I've played because (...)
keeveek: Noone cares. At least GOG is giving you a heads up in the forums, nobody else is doing that.

Putting front page news about removing games wouldn't make them a good business and if you don't understand that, that's not my problem and definitely not a GOG's problem.
A lot of people care and I care. I'm guessing your comment is just to get some reaction though as that's usually how you behave, pining for attention by trying to make inflammatory comments. This is your attention from me, enjoy it because it's all you'll get. Feel free to have the last word and the illusion that you've won because I'm wasting no more time replying to your pathetic need to be noticed.
serpantino: Thanks for stating the obvious, however things aren't that simple.
I have a lot more gog games than I've played because (...)
keeveek: Noone cares. At least GOG is giving you a heads up in the forums, nobody else is doing that.

Putting front page news about removing games wouldn't make them a good business and if you don't understand that, that's not my problem and definitely not a GOG's problem.
I disagree. Putting this on the front page WOULD make them a GOOD business. They would be showing transparency, which is what customers like from businesses. Maybe it wouldn't make them a CUT-THROAT business, but we really don't want another EA do we? There's already too many unethical businesses that care ONLY about profit.

I like to think GOG is a little bit different, and that is why I give all of my game-spending money to them and NOT EA or the many other unscrupulous businesses out there that only want to take my dollar and couldn't care less about the quality of service they deliver.l
vulchor: I disagree. Putting this on the front page WOULD make them a GOOD business. They would be showing transparency, which is what customers like from businesses. Maybe it wouldn't make them a CUT-THROAT business, but we really don't want another EA do we? There's already too many unethical businesses that care ONLY about profit.
New customer comes to GOG for the very first time

He sees on the front page with big letters


Customer thinks "ooopsie. I don't think I should buy here if they are removing games" - customer lost. Most of the people are reading only headlines, they wouldn't think too much about the cause for removal or anything.

Also, preparing front page new takes time and effort, while usually they can only give you few hours of heads up before removing the game, if they are able to give you any heads up at all.

That would be waste of resources on stuff that will be no longer here in a minute.
Post edited February 01, 2014 by keeveek
vulchor: I disagree. Putting this on the front page WOULD make them a GOOD business. They would be showing transparency, which is what customers like from businesses. Maybe it wouldn't make them a CUT-THROAT business, but we really don't want another EA do we? There's already too many unethical businesses that care ONLY about profit.
keeveek: New customer comes to GOG for the very first time

He sees on the front page with big letters


Customer thinks "ooopsie. I don't think I should buy here if they are removing games" - customer lost. Most of the people are reading only headlines, they wouldn't think too much about the cause for removal or anything.

Also, preparing front page new takes time and effort, while usually they can only give you few hours of heads up before removing the game, if they are able to give you any heads up at all.

That would be waste of resources on stuff that will be no longer here in a minute.
The minor loss in reputation due to a game being removed in a circumstance that GOG had no control over is vastly outweighed by the major gain in reputation due to honest transparent business practices.

Also, you are wrong, it is very easy for GOG to add a post to the front page. GOG made the announcement of the loss of the Fallout series in a few different front page posts, so why not Guilty Gear X2? The Fallout series is more popular, so by your argument that it would lower confidence of new customers to make it well known that a game is pulled from the shelves, Fallout would be far more damaging, yet GOG did the right thing and made sure everyone knew it was coming. Your argument is invalid.
vulchor: Also, you are wrong, it is very easy for GOG to add a post to the front page. GOG made the announcement of the loss of the Fallout series in a few different front page posts, so why not Guilty Gear X2? The Fallout series is more popular, so by your argument that it would lower confidence of new customers to make it well known that a game is pulled from the shelves, Fallout would be far more damaging, yet GOG did the right thing and made sure everyone knew it was coming. Your argument is invalid.
Because they knew Fallout will be gone like 2 years before that and Guilty Gear few hours. Are you really that mentally challenged?

also, losing Fallouts is a big deal, and also they managed to get a yes to give away fallouts for free, so it wasn't "fallout be gone, buy this now, fuckers" but "free fallouts for everybody"

If you can't see the difference, you are beyond help.
Post edited February 01, 2014 by keeveek
vulchor: Also, you are wrong, it is very easy for GOG to add a post to the front page. GOG made the announcement of the loss of the Fallout series in a few different front page posts, so why not Guilty Gear X2? The Fallout series is more popular, so by your argument that it would lower confidence of new customers to make it well known that a game is pulled from the shelves, Fallout would be far more damaging, yet GOG did the right thing and made sure everyone knew it was coming. Your argument is invalid.
keeveek: Because they knew Fallout will be gone like 2 years before that and Guilty Gear few hours. Are you really that mentally challenged?

also, losing Fallouts is a big deal, and also they managed to get a yes to give away fallouts for free, so it wasn't "fallout be gone, buy this now, fuckers" but "free fallouts for everybody"

If you can't see the difference, you are beyond help.
Ad hominem attacks do nothing to strengthen your position. This has brought nothing valuable to the discussion, and you have lost any respect I may have had for you. You also contradicted your position.
Ugh, seriously? First Re-Volt and now this. At least I own #Reload, but this is crap. Arc System Works should have gotten the rights to the port themselves and not FunBox.

I hope the new Guilty Gear comes to PC so we don't have to deal with this happening.
Post edited February 02, 2014 by Zeether
It is literally illegal to keep selling when you're hit with what basically amounts to a cease and desist of selling a game online because of rights issues.

A 'heads up' doesn't factor in to it. And these kind of legal tangles happen behind closed doors most of the time so it's not like GOG could've seen it coming.

They know there's an issue when they are ordered to stop selling the game immediately.

I don't see where a lack of transparency comes into it.
Kakihara: It is literally illegal to keep selling when you're hit with what basically amounts to a cease and desist of selling a game online because of rights issues.

A 'heads up' doesn't factor in to it. And these kind of legal tangles happen behind closed doors most of the time so it's not like GOG could've seen it coming.

They know there's an issue when they are ordered to stop selling the game immediately.

I don't see where a lack of transparency comes into it.
This, exactly, word by word.

I wish more people would understand this. Yes, it's sad, yes, we get mad, but I don't think we should take it out on GOG. They provide excellent service, and, as far as I'm concerned, they have always been transparent when it comes to the games they sell. When all the troubleshooting and advice from the community fails, they're quick and helpful with support to each and every single title, to the extent of their abilities. They offer cheap, classic games that we wouldn't be able to get otherwise, and all DRM-free. And, yet, all people seem to do is complain and bitch. I'm not a lawyer nor an accountant, my understanding of legal rights and courses of action pertaining said rights is very limited, but I do know it's not GOG's fault. I would think it would be in their best interest to keep selling the games they are forced to remove, so, obviously, GOG isn't happy about having to pull them, as well.

Fortunately, since the Guilty Gear community isn't being as anal, bitchy and protective as the Re-Volt one is, there might still be a chance we get to see X2 #Reload available again. Let's leave it to GOG's legal guys to figure it out and hope for the best.