Zandolf: I got the black screen also after using the update file. I DL'd the game and all the DLC's again. When I booted the game I got the black screen. Then, it welcomed me to the new version. It said if you changed any of the action keys, you will need to reset them. There is also something about a new dodge feature. There are no healing for energy potions. Those in my sack are gone and the sellers do not offer any. Sorta makes the game unplayable.
MedeaFleecestealer: It really doesn't. The potions are still available to use, they just don't clutter up your inventory bags any more.
"A new base Evade skill has been added, bound to Spacebar by default. Evade interrupts any other action to immediately dash in the desired direction and offers a brief invulnerability window (iframes). Pause now defaults to P and the Party window to K. Existing players will need to set a keybind or reset their keybinds in order to take advantage of this. Keybinds have been reset for Xbox players to accomodate this addition.
Health and Energy Potions have been removed from the game. The character now has potion skills baseline and does not need to keep them in their inventory. Dedicated potion buttons have been added to the Quickbar." Thank you.. I see how that works now. Not comfortable with it. Healing potions from thin air? I don't get it.