Steely_Gaze: Too many to list, though Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins sits firmly at the top of the heap.
Coelocanth: Oh ye gods, I really enjoy that one. Back when it was released I was working at a theater running the projectors. I actually paid to see it three times (at other theaters) and saw it where I worked at least another 10 times.
The delicious thing for me was that, after watching the movie, I learned my father had a massive collection of Destroyer and Executioner novels. I read all 100+ books he had over the course of one magical teenage summer. Hooked me on Men's Action series, and cheesy pulp fiction.
skynet464: Conan the Destroyer. Yes, the bad Conan. I liked it as a kid. :P
I watched that movie when I was a kid, but admit nothing in all Hyperborea will compare to the original. It stands as the only truly "good" (from a film standpoint) sword and sorcery movie.
That said, rewatching Conan the Destroyer, I discovered it is
the perfect Dungeons & Dragons movie. Seriously, each of the characters conforms to their roles, there's an epic adventure with ugly monsters, and even magic kinda works in a sort-of Vancian D&D-esque structure.
Matewis: Anyway, I just now recalled a cover of a film that may very well fall into the guilty pleasure category. It was a girl on top of a tank and that is all that I remember. Think I'll look it up some time.
Any chance the movie in question is Tank Girl? I friggin' love that movie. :D