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This is the weirdest sense of deja vu I've ever had... next door neighbor, with whom I did my senior project on helping open her thrift store was just here to have a few glasses of wine and watch the NCAA basketball just left...imagine my surprise to find this thread at the top of the list. ~whoo, ooh~

There's some spooky action at a distance for you!
Found this for $20 some weeks ago.

There is something strange about it though. And recently some guy, his name is Sauron. offered me a lifetime supply of bananas for it.
Post edited March 21, 2013 by langurmonkey
langurmonkey: Found this for $20 some weeks ago.

There is something strange about it though. And recently some guy, his name is Sauron. offered me a lifetime supply of bananas for it.
Are you sure it was Sauron? Maybe it was Sachys...just sayin
Momo1991: Are you sure it was Sauron? Maybe it was Sachys...just sayin
If it were Sachys he would've offered a lifetime supply of "previously used bananas". ;)
Ok. Best thrift shop purchase ever was a fur coat that the owner of the thrift shop that just left my house was returning after I lent it to her... spookier and spookier, I tell you!

Momo1991: Are you sure it was Sauron? Maybe it was Sachys...just sayin
GameRager: If it were Sachys he would've offered a lifetime supply of "previously used bananas". ;)
Or used, previously flung poo!
Post edited March 21, 2013 by Momo1991
Not a thrift store but i bought a pair of Tommy Hilfiger and Ezekiel jeans the other day for 50 cents each at my local Ross. I guess they got returned and had been marked down to nothing, but were still brand new!
mondo84: Well I didn't buy any of them, but a few weeks ago I saw these GOGs in a used book store.

Don't faint over Bird Hunter. ;)
Andanzas: Is that Half-Price Books?

ED: Nevermind, just saw the price tags. The question now is: which one? :D

When I lived in Berkeley, Half-Price Books was my favorite store to buy videogames. Way better than videogames stores.
Indeed it's a Half-Price Books. ;)

Last weekend they had a 50% off coupon, so out of curiosity I went in to see if any of those games were left. Alas, the only remaining one was Caesar III. Didn't get it, though.

Gosh, game boxes used to be so awesome (and a bit of space-wasters).
Folks, you need to check out Powells - Seattle based bookstore - go there if you are ever in the area. I promise a total mind blowing experience for the book lover! You will come back and thank me for the suggestion...the website is just a small taste...
Duke Nukem 3D Kill-A-Ton Collection still in the shrink wrap.
Momo1991: Folks, you need to check out Powells - Seattle based bookstore - go there if you are ever in the area. I promise a total mind blowing experience for the book lover! You will come back and thank me for the suggestion...the website is just a small taste...
I definitely second this! I love that place.
Momo1991: Folks, you need to check out Powells - Seattle based bookstore - go there if you are ever in the area. I promise a total mind blowing experience for the book lover! You will come back and thank me for the suggestion...the website is just a small taste...
ggf162: I definitely second this! I love that place.
My kid has always been a serious book hound - we must have spent four hours in the technical book annex! And that isn't even the main store...
I can't think of anything too special, but recently I did manage to find a Dreamcast Fishing Pole in really good condition for only 4 I only need Sega Bass Fishing for the Dreamcast since I only have it on Steam lol.
mondo84: Well I didn't buy any of them, but a few weeks ago I saw these GOGs in a used book store.

Don't faint over Bird Hunter. ;)
Darling_Jimmy: This. Is. Fuck. Ing. Awe. Some.
I concur.
So many items. Overcoats, long-jackets, velvet waistcoats, silk ascots, wool trousers (after taken in to the tailor), fedoras and gatsby caps of every occasion, enough to make a later-day Wilde or Baudelaire fall to their perfumed dandy knees and weep. Best find was probably a Weimar Germany-era olive-colored trenchcoat with brass buttons. Half my wardrobe over the past decade I owe to those treasure trove vintage clothiers.

Oh, you're talking about games. Well. *clears throat*

I found a complete boxed copy of System Shock 2 and Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire used (at a very reasonable price) at one short-lived mall outlet that dealt in second-hand games, back in the days when Software Etc. was still around and there was still a market for such things. Back then it had yet to reach the astronomical used prices they'd eventually fetch on amazon/ebay before being re-licensed for DD. I never had the wherewithal to sell them when I had the chance, plus several moves and apartments over the years meant that I'd since ditched the boxes/manuals anyway and just had the (still pristine and playable) discs. Still do. A few years after that I managed to get a very cheap "EA Classics" copy of American McGee's Alice at one of those clearance PC software racks from a big-box electronics store; it might have been Circuit City. That unfortunately I lost and, unlike the SMAX and SS2, is still an expensive rarity second-hand! The irony isn't lost on me.
Some pictures for posterity.