paulrainer: by drm- i mean ... installation limits, online activation, being forced to create an account and tie the game forever to that one account, being forced to be online whenever you want to play the game etc.
Well, I caved in all notable cases, at least when the games became cheaper after a while, but there's been a few games that I didn't even consider buying due to their DRM until they became dirt cheap - despite being otherwise interested in them, of course.
By now I don't have any more issues with Origin than with Steam but after the big initial outrage I decided to never buy an Origin exclusive like Battlefield 3 or Mass Effect 3 (despite having enjoyed past BF games and especially the original Mass Effect). I only tried BF3 when I got it through the Humble Bundle, wouldn't have bought it otherwise (although I would be willing to buy Origin exclusives after I actually got to try it). I also didn't buy Red Alert 3 for ages due to the DRM, only when it was down to 3 or 4 € on Steam. Oh, and I didn't consider getting BioShock due to the weird issues with the executable not being present on the disc but rather being downloaded during the installation or something. I think the version I ultimately got pretty cheap didn't do that anymore.