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"DCS: Digital Combat Simulator" and "DCS: World" series.

All games from Origin. *cough*gay content*cough*
jjsimp: And eventhough it has DRM, the DRM is easy to rip off the .azw kindle files. I do it after each purchase. The first book I ever have a problem removing the DRM, will be the last book I ever buy from Amazon.
DMCA 1201, this is illegal. And this fact is one of the (many) DRM-related problems.
Post edited April 11, 2014 by etb
Klumpen0815: I agree.

The upside of this is, that I don't have even more games to choose from while my backlog is growing every week even with DRM-free games only.
It's like with veganism and food: When the choices are just too many, it's nice to be able to run another filter over it.

I buy DRM-free and vegan only and still can't decide between all those choices modern life gives me. ^^°
Indeed, there are literally hundreds of games I own and hundreds more I want. I have a huge backlog I haven't played yet, and I'll keep accumulating more because well... I can, and I want to. But, because I own a tonne already I don't NEED to buy any more. Rather, I choose to and so I have the luxury of setting the conditions in which I'm willing to pay money for my games, and if I decide not to buy one - I might do without the experience of that one game, but I certainly do not do without an amazing gaming experience because for every one game with shitty DRM, there are dozens of others with very light DRM or no DRM at all just waiting for my money and time and they'll satisfy my cravings just fine. ;o)

I just spent 10 hours the other night playing Goat Simulator. I'll probably play it for another 10 or 20 or 50 who knows. There are infinite games essentially for enjoying the passage of time out there, and hell... if I lost my Internet connection tomorrow I could probably play the games I have sitting on my hard disks right now for the next 30 years and never get bored. The gaming industry needs to impress me and make me want to give them more of my money. GOG's business model has convinced me to do so, as have some of the bundle sites and super deep discounts, but for the big buck games out there, no way in hell do I fork out $60 to be treated like a pirate or criminal with crazy ass nasty DRM. DRM that the pirates strip out the first day the game is released anyway and upload to pirate sites, but the paying customer has to suffer with.

Nope, no thanks for me! The only way EA or Ubisoft or WB or Rockstar gets a dime of my money, is if they get any part of the revenue from my GOG game purchases, or if I win a game in a giveaway or similar that someone happened to pay money for at some point, and then that's not my money but someone else's. ;o)
Think the last game I own with DRM is Mass Effect, which apparently was made in 2007. So every game since then that came out with DRM. Quite a few! :D

It's a bit unfortunate because now I have a brand new computer with an excellent graphics card, finally able to run these new fancy games. But since steam almost have a de facto monopoly now, and they're all infected with DRM, I can't play any of them. Damn shame really.
jjsimp: And eventhough it has DRM, the DRM is easy to rip off the .azw kindle files. I do it after each purchase. The first book I ever have a problem removing the DRM, will be the last book I ever buy from Amazon.
etb: DMCA 1201, this is illegal. And this fact is one of the (many) DRM-related problems.
Yeah, just like DVD and Bluray ripping. RIAA/MPAA - making criminals out of people that buy their overpriced crap.
Personally, I draw a line at always-online DRM for single player games, limited activations, games with multiple forms of DRM (say, Steamworks + GfWL) and DRM about which I've seen reports of it being harmful (Starforce).

So games I haven't bought at all and never will unless the DRM goes away despite being interested in them: Diablo 3, SimCity, pretty much anything from Ubisoft ever since they launched Uplay, Star Wolves 2 (I like the other 2 games in the series, but the second one has Starforce, so...), and a few others.

Mostly, though, I consider DRM (including Steamworks) as a hassle I can deal with, but that reduces the value of a product for me, so for instance I've only bought Steam-only games on sale instead of buying them at release.
etb: DMCA 1201, this is illegal. And this fact is one of the (many) DRM-related problems.
jjsimp: Yeah, just like DVD and Bluray ripping. RIAA/MPAA - making criminals out of people that buy their overpriced crap.
Exactly, I always found baffling that how they miss the point that to fight the fact that people go illegal it might be worthwhile to make the lawful solutions suck less.

Besides, as GOG proves, it works.
Diablo III for always online single player
Post edited April 12, 2014 by Flyby
Randalator: Pretty much all of them?
My answer too. All of them which I wanted and had DRM except one.
grunthos64: Speaking of GTA, Rockstar would make a killing if they released

Grand Theft Auto
Grand Theft Auto 2
Grand Theft Auto 3
Grand Theft Auto Vice City
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
Max Payne
Max Payne 2

Sell them all for 10 dollars each, and bundle 1 and 2 together and it would sell a TON
Don't forget about Manhunt 2! Considering you can't get the uncut PC version anywhere else, that would sell a ton!
jjsimp: Yeah, just like DVD and Bluray ripping. RIAA/MPAA - making criminals out of people that buy their overpriced crap.
etb: Exactly, I always found baffling that how they miss the point that to fight the fact that people go illegal it might be worthwhile to make the lawful solutions suck less.

Besides, as GOG proves, it works.
to me It seems many publishers are scared of customers.
grunthos64: Speaking of GTA, Rockstar would make a killing if they released

Grand Theft Auto
Grand Theft Auto 2
Grand Theft Auto 3
Grand Theft Auto Vice City
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
Max Payne
Max Payne 2

Sell them all for 10 dollars each, and bundle 1 and 2 together and it would sell a TON
fronzelneekburm: Don't forget about Manhunt 2! Considering you can't get the uncut PC version anywhere else, that would sell a ton!
I've got all the GTA games, and Max Payne series, but all the other Rockstar games are on my wishlist and they've been on super deep discount sales numerous times on Amazon in the last 6+ months as both individual promos and series collections and other bundles, some of them dirt cheap. I want them, but instead grumble at the monitor and bite my tongue for having to miss out on the great prices because the DRM totally blows. ARGH!

Hopefully the industry starts to grasp the idea of DRM-free more in the coming years and these games all make it eventually to GOG, Shinyloot etc. and we can finally buy them and enjoy them. Seeing them go on sale cheap over and over every few weeks just makes me want to spill hot coffee on someone's lap or something. ;o)

As long as Coffee Stain Studios brings Goat Simulator to though I'll be a happy camper and overlook Rockstar's awry ways. It's all about the GOATS! :)
To be completely honest, no video game whatsoever is worth giving up my rights as a consumer and citizen, so, all of them, I guess.

I have five or six games on Steam because I won them in some twitch giveaways (before twitch required all giveaway recipients to be US citizens), but I'm not even sure if they are DRM-enabled or not, since I never installed the Steam client and don't feel like doing so, therefore never having tried said games.

A few years ago, I was oblivious to this whole DRM issue, but even then I can't recall buying a video game that had it.
Rusty_Gunn: ... to me It seems many publishers are scared of customers.
Yeah, it seems that a customer who has full control over they purchased product is like a horror vision to them. They seem to only be able to sleep well if they exactly know when and how their games are played. Probably they think that all hell could break loose once gamers are left alone with their games. Will I ever understand this? Probably not.
Post edited April 14, 2014 by Trilarion
Add future release: Sid Meier's Civilization Beyond Earth