darkwolf777: Steam is not DRM, Steam is a game launch client.
toxicTom: And a store. And a downloader. Can you download your games without the client, just by logging into the website, like here on GOG? Can you (reliably and easily) make backups of your game installers that continue working even if Steam goes down or your account gets locked for some reason?
I know there are games on Steam that are DRM-free (if you backup the installers). But what is the percentage of those games that, once downloaded, work without it?
Yeah I realized after hitting post that I should have been more specific about Steam being a digital distribution service, store, etc. because some people need everything spelled out explicitly.
Can you download games without Steam? Absolutely. I mean it's obviously dependent on the developer/publisher whether they provide an installer, but even if the game requires Steam (due to using Steamworks) like Skyrim, you can acquire it from other means than through Steam. I bought Skyrim at Target because I had a $50 gift card and nothing else I was interested in at the time. I could have cracked the exe (can still if I want, since I still have the disc) to not bother with Steam, but I went ahead and activated it on Steam as one of the first PC games I bought since Half-Life 2 in 2004 (which I did eventually later get the Orange Box because it was an insanely good deal), though I had participated in a couple Humble Bundles by then as well (pretty sure they started in 2010). Humble Bundles and to a lesser extent, Skyrim, really kicked off my return to PC gaming after I'd all but switched to consoles completely around 2005/2006.
I bought Portal 2 on PS3 and when Steam came to OS X in 2010 I was able to grab it on my Mac Pro as well.
As for what percentage of DRM free games on Steam work without Steam once downloaded? 100%? That's kind of the point of DRM free.
karnak1: I still remember buying Eye of the Beholder and having to rummage through the manual in order to find "word X" in "page Y" :P
Oh crap! I totally forgot about those. Yeah I remember some games from the '80s even with challenge questions like that. The advent of usenet/newsgroups kind of made those pointless, and now PDFs readily downloaded :D
karnak1: As far as I know, corporate greed kills the industry, not the pirates.
So much this.