Dragon age origins:How to be a grey warden,kill darkspawn,slay dragons and get blood out of my armor.
other games:how to turn self in to a lich,how to be a paladin,how to be a necormancer.
kill things,kill things with fire and more fire,magic can fix any thing,all you need to be a god is to be worshiped by a cult or something,how to summon demons,trap souls in items.
be a bad guy that wins in the end,how to build a stronghold,how to make a trap,all ways have a ten foot pole with you at all times,its a trap,a glowing sword is much better to have in a fight then a gun,a wizard did it.
never miss with a lich,how to train a army, how to fail at training a army, a skilled fighter can take down many a unskilled warrior,the best fighter in the world will sooner or later fall to the great number of enemy orcs.
Post edited January 14, 2010 by uruk