darkplanetar: with all stuff in it - all spamware and free ware
will it have firewall? so no personal info is given out...
or just like motorola did with their android - reports all statistics back to them
If you mean the new consoles that would probably be some of the drawbacks.
I'm not arguing for consoles generally since I think PCs is the more versatile platform but many will not see it that way.
Fever_Discordia: I think the fact that it got to the point where a high spec gaming PC could actually outperform the aging current generation of consoles helped to so we might take a hit when the next gens launch, be we should be OK in the long run still
psadler: What a strange comment. PCs have been laughing at newbie consoles for 10 years. They have always outperformed newbie consoles and they always will.
I think that console newbies are finally realising that consoles are ruining games and that a laptop is ten times better and does ten times more things ... and the games are cheaper. So why on earth would a grown man buy some newbie console?
They'll buy the consoles because it's easy and provide easy entertainment. Many families will do it because of the same reason. Consoles are great for kids.
Gamers want to game and a lot of them doesn't care if the games are grounbreaking, smart, innovative, say something meaningful, teach you something or whatever. They just want to relax in their sofa playing some mindless game without having to think too much or get engaged in any way.