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2D Platformers: But mind you, not the Puzzle variety and neither those platformers which are nothing more than obstacle courses. Yay for more platformers like Super Mario Bros or Castlevania or Metal Slug, but nay for platformers like FEZ and Super Meat Boy.

Arcade Racing/Sports: I don't like racing/sports. I find them pretty boring. But add Arcade to the mix and I love them. Whether it is NBA Jam or Mario Kart or Mario Strikers, they are just my game. Plus, it is very easy for others to learn the game and become a decent player themselves.

Fighting: Being an arcade guy, it is impossible for me not to love fighting games. Damned Mortal Kombat, how many coins did you suck out of me? And not just Mortal Kombat. Mace: The Dark Age, Soul Calibur, Street Fighter, Tekken.

FPS: Funnily enough, I used to hate FPS games with a passion. It mostly had to do with the fact that I sucked at them. I did enjoy GoldenEye until I played it multiplayer and realized how much I sucked. Same case with Unreal Tournament. The one game that turned my hate into love was Timesplitters: Future Perfect. No, it isn't my favourite FPS. But it was the turning point, as in my quest to unlock all those 100+ characters, I had to complete some brutal challenges. This, coupled with the brutal Far Cry (Fuck those rocket launcher guys, seriously!) led me to rediscovering the FPS Land. Whether it is Call of Duty, Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, etc, the journey is still going on.

Real-Time Strategy: I have loved Real-Time Strategy ever since Red Alert and I have never looked back. The only exceptions are strategy games whose sessions take forever to conclude. Notable example would be Supreme Commander and I have a sneaking suspicion that this might be the case for Total Annihilation.
Post edited December 07, 2013 by Grargar
Okay. Here are mine with some of my faves (only listing GOG games as usual):

TBS - Battle Isle, Heroes of Might & Magic, Master of Orion, Alpha Centauri
P'n'C Adventures - A New Beginning, Gemini Rue, The Longest Journey
Action - Crusader: No Remorse, Magic Carpet, Terminal Velocity, Descent, Wing Commander
Action Adventure - Prince of Persia (3Ds), Tomb Raider, Bloodrayne, Legacy of Kain, Alan Wake
Platformer (2[.5]D preferred) - Spelunky, Rogue Legacy, Rayman Origins, LaMulana, Pandemonium, Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
FPS - Duke Nukem 3d, Shadow Warrior, Blake Stone, UT '99
Management/Tycoon - Locomotion, RollerCoaster Tycoon 3, Startopia

I kind of, sort of want to include RPGs, but I can't do it as my enjoyment of those keeps bouncing to and fro as it's definitely not one I'm in love with on a regular basis.

There are definitely a good bunch of games I very much enjoy from other genres, but they are few and far between like the odd RTS - a genre I generally avoid - so the ones mentioned are pretty much it.
Post edited December 07, 2013 by mistermumbles
I really like and miss the old survival horror games like silent hill and old resident evil; I love the tank controls and the backtracking to open that mysterious locked door from the beginning of the game, also all those notes and documents that hint to stuff that happened in a certain location ("itchy, tasty"). Last game that I played in that style was Obscure 2, would have been really nice if they would have made an Obscure 3 instead of that platformer (which isn't really bad but it isn't anything special either).
Some of my favorite genres are:

Roguelikes (turn-based): free ones include the tiles versions of Vulture's Eye/Claw, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup. Commercial ones would be things like Dungeon Hack or Sword of the Stars: The pit.

Roguelike-likes: this includes games with mostly procedural elements but my favorites are Rogue Legacy, Binding of Isaac, FTL (waiting for that expansion before I pick it up again :D ), and Spelunky. Tower of Guns also falls into this category and I can't wait until it's done :D

Metroidvanias: Symphony of the Night being the most obvious :D I seriously wish there was a PC remake that didn't touch the gameplay at all and just bumped up the graphics and kept the music the same as it was on the PSP/PS One.

Point-and-click adventures: this is actually a new one for me as I discovered I like adventure games after having a Wadjet Eye binge, still need to finish Resonance, though :D

Old school FPS: I like the older ones as they didn't give a damn about being realistic and fun had a priority. DOOM, Duke Nukem, Blood. They have a charm about them that is hard to place. Perhaps it's just nostalgia talking?

RPGs: turn-based ones mostly.
Fighters are my main draw. There are plenty of other games I've gotten just as into, but they have more convincing to do in order to get me to spin them up to find out. Some turn based stuff I've really dug. Got real into Kings Bounty for awhile, and I am still on the lookout for GOG to be able to replace my D2D copy of Sword of the Stars.

I've liked a little of just about everything at one time or another, so it's hard to nail down favorites by genre. It's much easier to say to hell with planet Earth. I live there so it's last place I want to vacation. Give me the future, or give me magic.
Post edited December 07, 2013 by gooberking
FWYM (Psychonauts, Sanitarium, Gemini Rue).

Definitely the best genre, really under invested in.
wpegg: FWYM (Psychonauts, Sanitarium, Gemini Rue).

Definitely the best genre, really under invested in.
what does FWYM stand for?
wpegg: FWYM (Psychonauts, Sanitarium, Gemini Rue).

Definitely the best genre, really under invested in.
morciu: what does FWYM stand for?
You need to guess. It should be pretty clear from those games.
wpegg: FWYM (Psychonauts, Sanitarium, Gemini Rue).

Definitely the best genre, really under invested in.
morciu: what does FWYM stand for?
Free Wheeling Yack Masterbators
morciu: what does FWYM stand for?
tinyE: Free Wheeling Yack Masterbators
For Wpegg Yo Muthafucka'.
tinyE: Free Wheeling Yack Masterbators
AlKim: For Wpegg Yo Muthafucka'.
For wicked young minds
AlKim: For Wpegg Yo Muthafucka'.
triock: For wicked young minds
Pretty close, I was going for F**K With Your Mind.

It does highlight though that Genres are outdated. FPS no longer means anything, anyone can put gun sights on something. I think we need a new classification system.
My favored genres would be RTS and Turned Based Strategy games, and RPGs because of their management and development (Character skills/attributes, Faction base building/research upgrades) and tactical combat/planning scenarios as gameplay aspects.

Next would be Modding games, if that can be considered a genre, followed FPS or third person shooters.

I’m generally interested in any story driven games, especially where there be Loot! But above all else, the gameplay is what makes all the difference, beyond the visual candy, which leaves the Universe of gaming more open to me to explore.

Being here on GoG, I’ve been able to try quite a few games I might never have bought otherwise, and even managed to find a few point and click Adventure games that I liked...
-Action adventure games (Legend of Zelda, Beyond Good and Evil)
-Space sims (Wing Commander, Freespace, "X" series) I use the word "sim" loosely here.
-2D platformers/metroidvania (Symphony of the Night, La-Mulana, Rayman Forever)

I'm not really huge on strategy/RPG games, or at least much less than I used to be.
My 3 man genres are:
CRPGs (be it actiony games like Gothic or TES, or tactical ones like ToEE or Baldur's Gate, or something in between) .

Strategy games. TBS or RTS, grand scale or small scale, I can enjoy all of them. Note that as you often see tactics games under strategy games, I'm going to count those as well, even if it is not quite correct.

Adventure games. But I hate pixel hunting or puzzles relying on some form of backwards logic. So games like Myst or Syberia are for me.

That being said, I also really like 2d platformers, simulators, stealth games, tactical shooters (think Hidden & Dangerous or the original Rainbow Six, not the recent Rainbow Six vegas), well paced action games, racing games, and so on.
Post edited December 07, 2013 by AFnord