Posted December 07, 2013
2D Platformers: But mind you, not the Puzzle variety and neither those platformers which are nothing more than obstacle courses. Yay for more platformers like Super Mario Bros or Castlevania or Metal Slug, but nay for platformers like FEZ and Super Meat Boy.
Arcade Racing/Sports: I don't like racing/sports. I find them pretty boring. But add Arcade to the mix and I love them. Whether it is NBA Jam or Mario Kart or Mario Strikers, they are just my game. Plus, it is very easy for others to learn the game and become a decent player themselves.
Fighting: Being an arcade guy, it is impossible for me not to love fighting games. Damned Mortal Kombat, how many coins did you suck out of me? And not just Mortal Kombat. Mace: The Dark Age, Soul Calibur, Street Fighter, Tekken.
FPS: Funnily enough, I used to hate FPS games with a passion. It mostly had to do with the fact that I sucked at them. I did enjoy GoldenEye until I played it multiplayer and realized how much I sucked. Same case with Unreal Tournament. The one game that turned my hate into love was Timesplitters: Future Perfect. No, it isn't my favourite FPS. But it was the turning point, as in my quest to unlock all those 100+ characters, I had to complete some brutal challenges. This, coupled with the brutal Far Cry (Fuck those rocket launcher guys, seriously!) led me to rediscovering the FPS Land. Whether it is Call of Duty, Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, etc, the journey is still going on.
Real-Time Strategy: I have loved Real-Time Strategy ever since Red Alert and I have never looked back. The only exceptions are strategy games whose sessions take forever to conclude. Notable example would be Supreme Commander and I have a sneaking suspicion that this might be the case for Total Annihilation.
Arcade Racing/Sports: I don't like racing/sports. I find them pretty boring. But add Arcade to the mix and I love them. Whether it is NBA Jam or Mario Kart or Mario Strikers, they are just my game. Plus, it is very easy for others to learn the game and become a decent player themselves.
Fighting: Being an arcade guy, it is impossible for me not to love fighting games. Damned Mortal Kombat, how many coins did you suck out of me? And not just Mortal Kombat. Mace: The Dark Age, Soul Calibur, Street Fighter, Tekken.
FPS: Funnily enough, I used to hate FPS games with a passion. It mostly had to do with the fact that I sucked at them. I did enjoy GoldenEye until I played it multiplayer and realized how much I sucked. Same case with Unreal Tournament. The one game that turned my hate into love was Timesplitters: Future Perfect. No, it isn't my favourite FPS. But it was the turning point, as in my quest to unlock all those 100+ characters, I had to complete some brutal challenges. This, coupled with the brutal Far Cry (Fuck those rocket launcher guys, seriously!) led me to rediscovering the FPS Land. Whether it is Call of Duty, Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, etc, the journey is still going on.
Real-Time Strategy: I have loved Real-Time Strategy ever since Red Alert and I have never looked back. The only exceptions are strategy games whose sessions take forever to conclude. Notable example would be Supreme Commander and I have a sneaking suspicion that this might be the case for Total Annihilation.
Post edited December 07, 2013 by Grargar