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We know our little game with closing down the site made some of you angry. Once again we'd like to apologize to everyone who felt deceived by us closing down without any warning and without giving you access to your games. We apologize for that from the bottom of our hearts, it was done with the best of intentions and hopefully we can make it up to you!
That being said we'd like to introduce to you the brand new After two years we're finally leaving the beta stage and moving forward to provide you even better service with your favorite PC classics. Leaving beta means lots of changes to the site itself, as well. A sleek new design makes it even easier to browse through the huge catalog, share one's passion for classic games via popular social media, get to know more about the classic games available and recommend favorite titles to other gamers. Among other changes, the team has introduced GOGmixes, which are, in short, user-created lists of games around one theme. Learn more about all the new features on overview page.
But that's not all. What anniversary would it be without some neat presents? We're celebrating the second anniversary with one of the biggest announcements ever for fans of classic PC games - we're reviving Baldur’s Gate and other classic Hasbro-Licensed PC games which will be unveiled gradually in the coming weeks!
Post edited September 23, 2010 by Neville
I must admit that the prank, such as it was, was rather transparent to me from the first (OK, maybe the third) time I read that initial announcement on, so I was just laying back watching all the over-reactions from everyone.

But I find it quite shocking that not many people seem to have made the jump to the hypothetical situation where a digital download site that requires authentication and so on shuts down. I mean, yeah I was rather sure that would come back. But even if the 10% chance that it wouldn't did pan out, I'd still have had almost all the games I bought here, apart from the 3 Codemasters promo games I still haven't downloaded. But had GOG required authentication and so on like... some other site... I would truly have been up a certain creek without a rather critical piece of equipment.

So, yeah, say what you like but I personally am glad GOG are doing well and will now endeavor to get as many games as I can here (like I didn't before!)... Even if it means paying a bit more.

Also, regarding the wishlist: still works from where I am. But not sure if it's actually linked to from anywhere in the new site, or just a remnant of the old site on the servers that will soon be removed. If the later, this is your last chance to say good bye to one last bit of the great old site that served us all so well for the last couple of years... ;)
Post edited September 29, 2010 by ribrsiq
Welcome back GOG! I love you guys too much to ever be mad at you... you guys are so down to earth and non-stuck up like some of the other suits in the business that it's a pleasure doing business with you.

I also figured the Beta had to be ending eventually and your very carefully worded "closing down" statement seemed like just another typical GOG tease... was I upset that I lost access to my games? A little bit, but you always promised we'd have access to them in the future...

So my point being, not everyone is upset with you or will resent you for what you did. I found it funny and excited about what the future was in store for you guys... you had the balls to pull a stunt like that and yes, people will complain, but a lot of the people who don't really care are never going to post that it didn't bother them. I'm usually a silent lurker, but I figured I'd post just to let you know that I - for one - harbor no ill will about it and will continue to support you and your efforts for as long as you provide us with great good old games. And the fact you did do it just re-affirms my belief that you're willing to be different and I applaud you for that.

And on that note... SPYCRAFT? PLEASE??? I love that game. :o)
You bastards scared the shit out of me. Glad to see you're back though.
OrionSnake: Welcome back GOG!
The GOG staff need some butt spanking for pulling a stunt like that :P
Yes! And they need to stop playing Rise of the Triad too!!
Welcome back guys!!! ;-)
This was really a bad joke. I am still unsure how to feel about it.
Anyway, I am glad you are still in business and I look forward to new releases since your distribution meets all my expectations.
PS. New interface doesn't load gamecard's pictures, I view it in Google Chrome, the latest .deb version.
Post edited September 23, 2010 by Mivas

NEVER do that again!! I'm serious! >:O

It wasn't just a disservice to your customers, it was a disservice to a really great website which has probably lost some customers :(

I think you've learned your lesson though, so I'll stick with you guys. Just, no repeat performances or I will withdraw my custom.

Also: holding out for BG2 and PS:T, hell yeah
I am totally agree with your opinion, feelings and suggestions!!! ;-)

HereForTheBeer: Here was my perspective on this whole thing:
I purchased four games last Friday but didn't download them right away due to a scheduling thing on my end. Hit up the site Sunday to find it basically shut down, with promises of being able to get the paid-for games later in the week. Well, I was thinking that it sucked that the GOG idea failed and was hoping that I wouldn't be out the $20+ I just spent. Patiently waited for the promised download site (which could have been up and running the whole time, by the way) while still lamenting the loss of this service.
So when I learned, like everyone else, that it was just the transition to version 1.0 and a publicity move / stunt to boot, I found myself annoyed. After all GOG had my money for those games and could have chosen to allow access to them during the transition. Instead, I was left wondering if I was eventually going to have to file disputes with Paypal and my CC company to get the money back for undelivered software.
Anyway, they're just video games, but it is real money being spent on something completely optional. Two years of beta have created a mostly-loyal group of customers and this is a really dumb move that threatens the loyalty of some customers. Being a self-employed person I understand how fickle customers can be at times, and retaining them is sometimes a tightrope walk over a flaming pit filled with barracudas and ebola.
So here it is: I, and I'll assume many others, come here and stay here because you offer a DRM-free and drama-free source for the classics that we love or never tried the first time around. It's great that GOG will remain DRM-free, and that alone will give you a loyal fanbase. However, please keep it drama-free, as well. We get enough of that in our lives as it is, and if we want more we'd like that drama to come from the plots of the games themselves, not from the buying experience.
Glad to see you're back, but please don't forget the long-time customers who helped grow this service in the first place. Some of us old farts (with a fair amount of discretionary game-buying money) don't like being unnecessarily screwed with, even if it IS just old computer games.
Hey, while I'm here... can version 1.1 come with a real forum instead of this quote-unfriendly version?
When GOG staff said that they are closing i was very surprised. But when they came back i trust them more than ever before. They have shown that they are strong and far way from closing. You have to experience both good and bad in the relationship.
Post edited September 23, 2010 by vlight
GOG, Only one way to redeem yourself : 90% off prices for 90 Hours

(slashing not included)
Post edited September 23, 2010 by M80DK
Jerks, but that's no big deal. :P

I'm glad to see GoG still up and running. Can't wait to see what's upcoming.
I was not amused by the stunt (especially since I had just missed the Codemasters promo and was already in a bad mood ;o) ) but the news of your return outweighs it, I guess.
The hints were not that obvious and less persuasive than the red herrings so it actually brought even more rumors.

You're lucky that your service is great and have few concurrence in this niche that you can get away with it :op
I think you all should run a "make up sex" special with huge discounts.GOG, you need to have a "make up sex" special with lots of hot discounts. Then we shall forgive.
Post edited September 23, 2010 by jungletoad
SmashManiac: And on top of that, where's the RSS feed for news now?
Can't find it either... I hope this is just an oversight and that they didn't remove it intentionally.
I'd agree with all those who thought this was a really bad marketing ploy. Causing anxiety and doubt with your existing customers shows a real lack of respect, and that has been the downfall of some companies in the past.

You could have gained far more publicity by offering a free hooker to every customer instead. ;)

However, apology (grudgingly) accepted and welcome back.