It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
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We know our little game with closing down the site made some of you angry. Once again we'd like to apologize to everyone who felt deceived by us closing down without any warning and without giving you access to your games. We apologize for that from the bottom of our hearts, it was done with the best of intentions and hopefully we can make it up to you!
That being said we'd like to introduce to you the brand new After two years we're finally leaving the beta stage and moving forward to provide you even better service with your favorite PC classics. Leaving beta means lots of changes to the site itself, as well. A sleek new design makes it even easier to browse through the huge catalog, share one's passion for classic games via popular social media, get to know more about the classic games available and recommend favorite titles to other gamers. Among other changes, the team has introduced GOGmixes, which are, in short, user-created lists of games around one theme. Learn more about all the new features on overview page.
But that's not all. What anniversary would it be without some neat presents? We're celebrating the second anniversary with one of the biggest announcements ever for fans of classic PC games - we're reviving Baldur’s Gate and other classic Hasbro-Licensed PC games which will be unveiled gradually in the coming weeks!
Post edited September 23, 2010 by Neville
You guys rock. Love the videos. Welcome back.
I totally missed all the hubbub and OMGDRAMALOL about the site closing down, so I'm not angry at all. I'm just happy there's a new site, and I think people need to take a joke. These guys apparently left plenty of hints. You know, saying goodbye to the -beta- doesn't mean it's closing for good. As for the "laggy" code? That's not an issue with the code, it's an issue with so many people coming back to GOG at the same time. Just wait it out, the surge of users old and new will calm down and all will be normal again.

Welcome back, GOG, I look forward to buying new games from you again.

(Does this mean we'll get System Shock and System Shock 2 soon? :D)
Trilarion: I miss the wishlist. Why is it gone? Its important. I want beta back! :)))
TheBakeryQueen: It's not gone. =) Account, then under My Games there's 'owned' and 'wishlisted'. Hey presto!
Wrong wishlist, BakeryQueen. Trilarion's talking about the Community Wishlist where we could name and vote for games we'd really really love to see GOG put on the site someday.
Post edited September 23, 2010 by ChazFox
Trilarion: I miss the wishlist. Why is it gone? Its important. I want beta back! :)))
TheBakeryQueen: It's not gone. =) Account, then under My Games there's 'owned' and 'wishlisted'. Hey presto!
Thank you! Okay, found it. Actually I also meant the favorite games list. Sorry, made a mistake here. :)
welcome back GOG! i don't care what anyone says, you all still rock! can't wait for more awesome games and great deals. And for those of you who are just so upset about the whole "fake out", would you have rather them shut down for good? cmon give them a break. they are still here and better than before
I didn't really mind the stunt, and I really like the new I even made my own gogmix with the classic RPGs of the last 20 years!
Badly done, guys. You've really hurt my trust in you. I'm glad the site isn't actually dead but you really, really screwed up.

I wonder if this site-crippling traffic is really new visitors or just those of us who had been faithfully coming here for two years all scrambling to back up our games in case you decide you want to do another media stunt in the future.
Yes, the PR stunt was in bad taste. But they have said they are sorry several times.
Welcome back GOG!

I like the new site a lot, now that it has caught up with the demand :)

It is obvious you are very proud of GOG, and you should be!
Hello site runners,

Longtime fan and web apps programmer here. I have only bought a few games here, but I have always been 100% impressed with your site. Especially the clean presentation and great community forums. I referred many people to Your web site & service was PERFECT, it was literally a dream come true.

But your attempt at playing a "game" with your customers has really damaged your efforts. It's sad because obviously you guys put a lot of effort into your service. Why would you want to negate all that hard work with such a stupid stunt? Why would you ever think to try to "trick" your customers?

Why would you want to cause grief to your happy, loyal customers? It truly boggles my mind. Put down the weed, the crack, or whatever other mind-altering chemical you guys are using over in that part of the world. I am basically unable to find the words for how bad your decision was.

Which means we have something in common. Because a failure of language is your problem exactly. Fire your PR guy. The tone of your "closed" announcement posted last weekend on and the tone of your "apology" notes are all wrong. His command of English is not good enough to convey the nuances you guys are attempting with your "game". It totally sounded like you were gone, because the announcement SAID you were gone, closing down the service.

I would have never, ever expected you guys (or ANY web-based business) to make such a stupid move. Congratulations.
1. You have a lot of new customers
2. I may or may not buy more software from you
3. I will definitely stop recommending people to your site
4. I will definitely tell friends about how frustrating your PR stung was
5. You are complete idiots

Yes, I mad
EDIT: hey look, double post space for rent!
Post edited September 23, 2010 by LordCinnamon
Trilarion: I miss the wishlist. Why is it gone? Its important. I want beta back! :)))
TheBakeryQueen: It's not gone. =) Account, then under My Games there's 'owned' and 'wishlisted'. Hey presto!
Thanks for the help. :) I have found it. And now I would really like to have the favorites games list also back.Posted posts (especially replys) are not posted? Anybody the same thing?
Post edited September 23, 2010 by Trilarion
PenguinJim: @JediEagle, apparently the issues aren't browser-related. Just keep trying.
dragon83: I doubt that there has ever been a brand new website that worked flawlessly right from the beginning. So quit your whining, the site only launched a few hours ago.
PenguinJim: Wow, a broken, glitchy site, AND new, rude forum members telling people what they can and can't say. What a comeback!
Please accept my apologies, dragon83, I understand how offended you must have been when I was asking if there were technical issues specific to Chrome so I would know if it was worth installing FF or using IE. I humbly prostrate myself at your feet in hopes of your forgiveness.
Ok, I forgive you.
PenguinJim: @JediEagle, apparently the issues aren't browser-related. Just keep trying.
dragon83: I doubt that there has ever been a brand new website that worked flawlessly right from the beginning. So quit your whining, the site only launched a few hours ago.
PenguinJim: Wow, a broken, glitchy site, AND new, rude forum members telling people what they can and can't say. What a comeback!
Please accept my apologies, dragon83, I understand how offended you must have been when I was asking if there were technical issues specific to Chrome so I would know if it was worth installing FF or using IE. I humbly prostrate myself at your feet in hopes of your forgiveness.
Ok, I forgive you.
Post edited September 23, 2010 by dragon83
I strongly disapprove of this stunt, GoG. I left my full thoughts in the other topic, though.

For here, let me just say: welcome back, all is forgiven. Hard to stay angry when you bring us an offering of Baldur's Gate!

Besides this unfunny stunt, you do great work! Congrats and thanks.
So happy to have you back! :D

This reminds me of beta when the site started out. I couldn't make an account because the site kept crashing on me. Ahh, those were the good old days! :P

Despite the lag at present, I am liking the improvements to the sorting and purchasing side of the site. Looks pretty! :)
The "monks" video is appaling, you should fire your PR people. Seriously. Whoever decided this stunt was a good thing to do is retarded.
Post edited September 23, 2010 by zugu