theslitherydeee: To an extent, I don't mind most of these games since their set in war settings and violence is a vehicle of the story. If there was a game where you simply walked down a street and shot people while a monologue went on in the background I would question the worth of that game. I've looked at Rapelay and it has no story of any consequence, the only thing to do is rape people and I have to question the validity of a game like that on ethical grounds. There is such a thing as going too far. I'm not perfect but I have to draw the line somewhere.
Cormoran: Plenty of games do precisely what you mention.
Grand Theft Auto, Carmageddon, Just Cause, Saints Row. Yet these are, for the most part, big successes and perfectly acceptable. I've played these games since childhood, not a single one has come close to desensitising me to real world violence, neither has rapelay desensitised me to real world rape.
I've been playing violent video games similar to GTA since I was 5 years old and recently, when I saw some footage from what is going on in Ukraine right now, I was totally horrified. I imagine, if I saw such things up close in real life, I'd be even more horrified. Some people say violent video games turn people into killers. LOL
P1na: I second a previous opinion: I'm not against having sex-oriented games on GOG, and TBH I'm not against this particular one being sold here either, but there are better games out there that I feel should take priority.
I personally would love to have a GOG copy of Fate/stay night
I'm guessing Fate/Stay Night is centered around a pineapple?