Roman5: So now that the game is out and many people have played is it?
Give me the good points and bad points about it
How does it compare to 2 and Brotherhood?
CaptainGyro: Not goger impressions but I read this thread yesterday. (I haven't played any of the series so I can't comment) thanks
The impression that I'm getting here right now seems to be that it's similar to FO:NV, half baked and unfinished with cut content, looks like I'll be waiting for the "Compelte" version of this game a year later or I'll grab it cheap for console if they fix the issues
Tantrix: Ubisoft is just a French version of EA, better not buy it outside GoG, guyz.
Well let's be honest here, even if Both publishers have the absolutely terrible attitude of cutting content for "Day 1 DLC" and shipping unfinished games so they can sell you the rest of the game later as DLC
At least Ubisoft has the guts to try something new and push something forward, EA sort of had a similar approach like 5 years ago but that's changed obviously there isn't a single game from them that I'm looking forward to this year
What I'm more pissed about is that there is STILL no fucking sequel to Mirror's edge despite the NEW IP selling MILLIONS
On the other hand, there's the fact that there's also no sequel to PoP08, so I'm kind of Aggravated with both publishers but then again, I'm Aggravated at almost everyone in this industry since there's so much bullshit from many Publishers/Developers