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lotr-sam0711: Because it's pandering to the audience instead of finding compelling and intelligent ways to sell a game. Instead of making a great game, let's just put a big pair of boobs on the box and make the female character scantily clad.
Would people still remember Bloodrayne if the protagonist wasn't a female with huge boobs? No, because that was the whole hook of the game.
Same with Wet, a mediocre game that just happened to have a hot chick in it.
Granted, some of the games on that list are good, but obviously somewhere down the line someone doubted the quality of the product and wanted to sex it up a bit.
My issue is that we live in an age where if you want to find hot girls to ogle, they are just a few keystrokes away, so if you have that desire, there's an alternative that looks a lot better than any of these digitized characters.
I want my games to be about the gameplay, the world and the story and it's hard to get immersed in a game when I'm playing Laura Croft in the middle a snowstorm and she's got on a tight fitting undershirt and shorts. It's silly, unrealistic and distracts me from the actual game.
GameRager: So what you're basically saying then, is that you're ghey. Lol, well it SEEMS like it anyways if Lara's outfits make it HARD for you to play........:P :D
And again I said looks aren't my only or main line for buying something, but it helps if the character i'm playing looks decent or fits the part/role(male or female or robot or what have you)
In this, i'm guessing either you're gay, a prude, or a feminist....which is it then? 0.o
If your post are anything to go by,i can see why you have -30 rep.For we all know yelling and calling them names is a great way to get your point across. try using reasons and not name calling it may just work.

Now i will get back to dreaming about a sexy pirate drow.Dam you d@d for ruining my life!
GameRager: Why is having hot girls in gaming juvenile? They try to market to the major share of gamers (to make a profit obv.) and the lion's share of them are MEN BETWEEN THE AGES OF 13 AND 40.....and I like looking at women with big jumblies or certain facial/hair features I like. Albeit that's not my only concern when buying a game, but still....
Once again, Daniel Floyd:


Also, this:
They try to market to the major share of gamers (to make a profit obv.) and the lion's share of them are MEN BETWEEN THE AGES OF 13 AND 40
-- is just a self-fulfilling prophecy. You're largest audience is going to be men when you're default industry design in women is over-sexualized fluff.
GameRager: How is the lesbian sex?
Better than premature ejaculation, I would guess. But then I have no clue. Ones political position has little to do with ones biological gender or sexual orientation. I.e. you jumped to very wrong conclusions. It seems in character, though, so jump along.
Post edited September 25, 2010 by Mnemon
GameRager: A nice piece to be sure, but again there are games with strong non sexualised female roles or no females whatsoever. What about romance novels that cater to women with "handsome man hunks" in them for them to drool over? Romance novelists do it all the time as well, yet not many complain.(as another poster in here said also.)
That would be a valid argument, if there was an epidemic of the publisher's industry pushing Harlequin romances in a widespread tactic to appeal to their female audience to the exclusion of both better material and their male audience.

Until then, that argument doesn't fly.
lotr-sam0711: Because it's pandering to the audience instead of finding compelling and intelligent ways to sell a game. Instead of making a great game, let's just put a big pair of boobs on the box and make the female character scantily clad.
Would people still remember Bloodrayne if the protagonist wasn't a female with huge boobs? No, because that was the whole hook of the game.
Same with Wet, a mediocre game that just happened to have a hot chick in it.
Granted, some of the games on that list are good, but obviously somewhere down the line someone doubted the quality of the product and wanted to sex it up a bit.
My issue is that we live in an age where if you want to find hot girls to ogle, they are just a few keystrokes away, so if you have that desire, there's an alternative that looks a lot better than any of these digitized characters.
I want my games to be about the gameplay, the world and the story and it's hard to get immersed in a game when I'm playing Laura Croft in the middle a snowstorm and she's got on a tight fitting undershirt and shorts. It's silly, unrealistic and distracts me from the actual game.
GameRager: So what you're basically saying then, is that you're ghey. Lol, well it SEEMS like it anyways if Lara's outfits make it HARD for you to play........:P :D
And again I said looks aren't my only or main line for buying something, but it helps if the character i'm playing looks decent or fits the part/role(male or female or robot or what have you)
In this, i'm guessing either you're gay, a prude, or a feminist....which is it then? 0.o
I am trying to have an intelligent discussion. If you just want to name call, then I have nothing further to say to you on the subject.
Threads like this make me wish GOG had a "Retardoland" subforum.

Also Alys from Phantasy Star IV

Also, no GameRanger, disliking unrealistic hypersexualization does not mean someone's gay, it means they have a mental age of something greater than your average prepubescent teenager.
Post edited September 25, 2010 by phanboy4
phanboy4: Also Alys from Phantasy Star IV
Way to take the high road.
phanboy4: Also Alys from Phantasy Star IV
lotr-sam0711: Way to take the high road.
Alys was very naturally proportioned. Also it was her personality and not her looks that I had a crush on back in the day.
Definitely the Princess from WoW.... Google up some pics of her, she's hot.

Nah, not really, but you should still google up pics of her to see Blizz's idea of womanhood gone random.
GameRager: Lol...good advice, but I don't care if I step ion a few toes. I said my peace on the closure issue ad nauseum as I saw fit.......whether or not I step on a few people's toes.
As a matter of fact, I wanna be the most reviled beast of a man on BWAHAHAHAHA. :D
What'cha think of me EVIL LAUGH? hmm?
You call that evil?! You do not know the meaning of evil!
In a battle take a enemy alive.Cut open a small wound in to there soft cold flesh.Watch as drop by drop blood pours out on to the ground.Force them to watch as everyone a round them they know dies one by one.

There eye's glow with fear and pain.Once all there friends lie dead,send in the ghouls to feast on there fallen friends.Watch as all hope fades from there mind.Weaken from blood lose they fall to the cold ice ground.Watching as they beg for death to take them as there life drains out of them.Once there body is gone of life.Trap there very soul with in.Reanimated there lifeless corpse in to one of the living dead.Force them to do the very same.Watch as they spend countless years doing that which they had hope to bring a end to.

Now that is evil!Seeing how i came out all the way out here i may as well have a bit of evil fun,don't you agree?

captain death:Yes sir?
me:Is everything ready?
captain death:Yep.
me:Good good.
Minions attack!
Post edited September 25, 2010 by uruk
Vivien from Gods : lands of infinity. Which is an interesting rpg btw.
I'm throwing in Kate Walker from Syberia and Jade from Beyond Good and Evil, for two reasons.

The first is, in both games, they manage to be smart, intelligent characters with fantastic voice acting (although somewhat strange in the case of Syberia in that she often seems to think she should speak to everyone almost like they were children), but also in that they come across as well developed characters in some interesting ways. The one that stands out to me the most is that they'll stutter or get surprised and sidetracked in things they were going to say. They're capable of displaying a range of emotions. It comes off very naturally, and the whole package makes them worthwhile characters in my eyes. It helps that they were also both pretty. :D

The second is, my memory is so bad as to other female characters, who actually had character, I've played that these two are the ones I remember most at the moment.
GameRager: Quite nice bit of banter there, quite vile I must say. :)
Also, went from like -30 rep to -80 something in an that bad err good?
EDIT: Btw if I killed this topic I apologize, but I will not change my nature.....still, I DO apologize. Take that for what it's worth to you personally I guess.
When someone creates a thread, you have the right to post your opinion on the subject. Like other forums, there will be some activists who came here not because they care about games, but to camp the forum and force their political/religious views on everybody else. These same people would be happy if gaming companies promoted their views in their games, at the expense of sales. Reputation "quantity" is silly - nobody cares about it. Just be sure to follow the forum rules. Welcome to the forum.
Post edited September 25, 2010 by Tsunami
There are women in Gears of War? Huh.
Cate Archer got some pretty suits in No one lives forever