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Don't forget to notice how big the ladybug is compared to that bicycle wheel, and that basket, and that person's legs/feet.
Post edited May 15, 2014 by NoNewTaleToTell
These rhymes are rather jollier than 'Ladybird, ladybird, fly away home; / Your house is on fire and your children are gone'.
In portuguese, we call it 'joaninha' ("little Joan"), so I'm guessing our name for it has nothing to do with Mary of Nazareth or Mary Magdalene. We also have a popular nursery rhyme involving ladybugs, and, again, it is completely different in subject from the ones mentioned before: "Joaninha, voa, voa / que o teu pai foi a Lisboa / com um saco de dinheiro / para pagar ao sapateiro" (roughly "fly, fly, ladybug / because your father went to Lisbon / with a bag of money / to pay the shoemaker"). It doesn't make much sense, I think it's just because it rhymes.