I have seen many forums around the net, and so many of them come across as being very immature.
Been a member of this community for over 2 years now, but spent most of that following, reading, lurking. During that time, the GOG community has shown itself to be relatively mature and tame in comparison to many other forums, and as such I have recently started to get into the posting habit.
That being said, there are the occasional flash flamings and trollings, but overall this is a good place to post. Many members do cuss out and "insult" each other, but it is usually very tongue-in-cheek and playful.
Being able to have a debate without the conversation degrading into a furball is extremely refreshing, and I hope this never changes as it is a key draw of the community. My thanks to you all for making and maintaining such an atmosphere.
Simbabluenobi: I agree ... Strange enough everyone (well most everyone) seems sort of like Family.
tinyE: If my family had a forum trust me, I WOULDN'T HANG OUT IN THERE!
Are you kidding!?! If it was mine, would just get the popcorn, drink, and sit back and watch! (I know this seems to contradict what I said earlier, but in many ways the good-natured ribbing that goes on is this forum is multiplied a lot with them).