Wishbone: Yes, but Portal 2 introduced the game mechanics from Tag: The Power of Paint (another student project) in addition to the portal mechanic from the first game. Portal 3 could introduce this perspective scaling mechanic in addition to that.
Azrael360: But the main theme of the Portal games is science and science fiction, using laws of physics in this fictional future in everything to make it like a real possibility, for example, like the super lubricant to go faster or the super "jelly" to jump higher. But this aspect is totally different in this demo: they move objects using the optical illusion from the point of view to change the size of the objects... that's impossible and looks fake. As a puzzle concept for a game is okay and could be fun, but that's what I can't relate to a Portal game. It's like comparing and mixing "Doctor Who" with "Star Trek".
The blue jumping jelly definitely does not conform to the laws of physics. Nor does the lubricant for that matter, since if it did, it would completely eliminate any traction you might have on the surface, making you unable to run at all.
No, the Portal games are definitely more in the realm of science fantasy than science fiction. The scaling mechanic added as a new function of the portal gun would be just as believable as anything else in Portal 2 (i.e. not very), but would still make for a fun game.