I would like to enter for Little Big Adventure 2 if nobody else is interested! Thank you, HypersomniacLive! Very nice selection of games (I can vouch for Blood and Anvil of Dawn)!
My favourite "set of four"?
Enebias' Awesome Four-Step Country Conquest Plan Phases®, of course!
Follow my offical guide and become the vile, treacherous dictator you always wanted to be!
A true leader of a criminal coup should always rember the pattern (in Italy we have a certain tradition for this, so it should be reliable):
1-Make a lot of noise. People must hear you, see you and remember what you say. Slogans, social initaitives, political campaigns... it's all good! Play the part of the pure paladin, always pointing out the others' weaknesses and "foreseeing" future events. Then...
2-Make them real! Create more problems! Act in the shadows to worsen your country situation, and create your own worst enemy without anyone noticing! Everyone will think you were right when you shape the same problems you were foreseeing! You should always keep an ordered schedule of your plans and a good amount of proves, because later you'll need them to...
3-Resolve the same problems you created! That should not be so difficult: after all, you know everything about them! Silence your former employess with a few aimed strikes from the corrupt secret police and delete your traces with burocracy, new laws and the Chart of Human Rights while "lawfully" fighting them with the public opinion's consent!
It's good to be the President!
4-Reap the gratitude of the same people you fooled and live in luxury and absolute power as a national hero! Congratulations! You are one of the most horrible people around the globe!
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