Roman5: If someone considers an AAA game below "perfect", he is simply trolling or can't have fun, sealed in his shell of hatred and contempt. There are some out there who keep saying AAA games nowadays are simplified and dumbed down for larger audience, but we know better- they're either filled with nostalgia or are too "hip" to accept that something as popular can be so good.
Siannah: I freely admit, I'm a fanboy of Bethesdas TES work. Still I welcome each and every
constructive criticism. And yes, there are several points where Skyrim is lacking, like the mentioned interface / UI or the difficult to navigate skilltree.
However, I can't take a guy serious, who not only fails to mention even 1 positive aspect in his review, but also spreads so obvious misinformation / claims, like "a lame RPG on rails".
More of it, especially the leveled enemies was time and time again one of the biggest complains in Oblivion. Now Skyrim is being bashed for being "walled off by difficulty with almost no dynamic progression" (which isn't true either). Someone please come up with a solution on how exactly Bethesda should be doing it the next time?
Don't like a game? Ok. Pointing out negative aspects? Ok. Not being constructive? Fail and in most cases, trolling.
you hit it on the nail there that is wjhat i tried to explain.
stonebro: I like how dungeons no longer seem to be mindless autogenerated loot pinatas. I've cleared about 10 so far and every one of them has been more challenging, larger, and more unique and varied than Oblivion.
The inclusion of various traps also lift the dungeon-delving experience a lot. There are pressure plates on the floor that might do anything from showering you in a light rain of poison arrows to downright dropping the floor under you. There are pressure plates concealed by loot. I picked up a tempting but somewhat suspiciously placed gold bar - and saw the rectangular stone it had been placed on suddenly raise from the ground. I then had about 1 second to react and run away before being scorched by a flame jet. Awesome.
There are probably a few central themes to the dungeons in terms of texturing, but the layouts so far seem like they're not just made of the same building blocks over and over. Only central features like claw puzzle doors or the final chamber seems to repeat their design from dungeon to dungeon.
Also, they are way more challenging and have more interesting enemy compositions, and this is playing on normal. Necromancers, ice mages (hint: slow effects), and draugr are a lethal combination.
very true every dungeon has its suprises but i like that sometimes you have to make hard descisions what you gonna do i wanted to play a goody guy but ended up making a deal with a deadra wich ended up with a very nice weapon that does devistating damage and massive stamina drain on the enemy. Oh well already went the bad way by changing in a werewolf.