Posted January 25, 2010

Twitter Clue: The return of incredible karmic awareness.
Forum Clue: No Idea after skimming all posts, it seems we've already guessed it, master chef and microsoft puns all over the place ive seen.
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura. Made by Troika. and T.R.O.I.K.A. seem to be the consensus [t]he [r]eturn [o]f [i]ncredible [k]armic [a]wareness
About Troika, Ive already wrenched out of them in a prior posting about 4 months back that they "WERE INDEED" looking to secure them as a publishing company and there games. Troika has come up far to often in this investigation and by GOG staffers as an absolute goal they have had and "WERE" currently working on/twords.
My vote and goal is TROIKA... past information mixed with the logic of the HIVE MIND leads me to this....
No offense, but I don't think a defunct game company that produced three games averaging 77% on Metacritic would be "the biggest thing to happen to GOG since the site opened".
I think we have to focus on that statement... it means it has to be bigger than when they got Ubisoft... which means it's a publisher deal, and a big one at that.