Posted January 27, 2010

Registered: Sep 2008
From Sweden

Registered: Sep 2008
From Czech Republic
Posted January 27, 2010
I stand behind Activision / Sierra :) The clues were pointing towards Troika and their publisher waaay too many times for it to be a coincidence :)

Easily Persuaded
Registered: Dec 2008
From United Kingdom

New User
Registered: Jan 2010
From United States
Posted January 27, 2010
I still say it's Duke Nukem forever/ Sneak King/ Metal Gear Solid.
It's all in the clues.
It's all in the clues.

Registered: Jul 2009
From United States
Posted January 27, 2010
I think the final result of the tantalizing tidbits to torment us is: Activision/Blizz focus on Sierra.

Just as planned!
Registered: Sep 2008
From Slovakia

New User
Registered: Dec 2008
From Germany
Posted January 27, 2010
Dungeon keeper it is.

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted January 27, 2010
Though I'm not the first to guess this: Arcanum, based on official hint #5: Ohio's secret place. Check out "Welcome to the village community of Arcanum Ohio, a secret place. Arcanum is truly Ohio's best kept secret, a quiet town..."
Could steampunk be where history overlaps with the present time? My bet goes to Arcanum.
Could steampunk be where history overlaps with the present time? My bet goes to Arcanum.
Post edited January 27, 2010 by Skrig

Dude, I'm a Lady
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted January 27, 2010
Well, tacitus59 said (only post I've found so far):
My thoughts exactly.
Cogadh has repeatedly made the point, and El_Caz to a lesser extent, that it's a publisher not a single game. El_Caz has stated that it might be one or more publishers, or a publisher plus some other feature/announcement. Both cogadh and El_Caz specifically mentioned EA. Haven't spotted antifood's post yet.
However, it's also possible that the awards were made by picking a random thing like "Post X on Page Y." :)
So I shall take the safe mode and say that I am convinced at least one publisher will be announced that holds the rights to at least one or more Good Old Games that I want to play. :P
Delixe: My memory is sketchy but wasnt Karma a trait in Ultima?
It's Ultima and EA! *dances*
It's Ultima and EA! *dances*
My thoughts exactly.
Cogadh has repeatedly made the point, and El_Caz to a lesser extent, that it's a publisher not a single game. El_Caz has stated that it might be one or more publishers, or a publisher plus some other feature/announcement. Both cogadh and El_Caz specifically mentioned EA. Haven't spotted antifood's post yet.
However, it's also possible that the awards were made by picking a random thing like "Post X on Page Y." :)
So I shall take the safe mode and say that I am convinced at least one publisher will be announced that holds the rights to at least one or more Good Old Games that I want to play. :P
Post edited January 27, 2010 by Luned

Registered: Sep 2008
From Brazil
Posted January 27, 2010
My final guess: it's not just one publisher, but two (what else would be truly "unexcelled" for GOG?), and two of the biggest: EA and Activision/Blizzard (the latter mainly for the Sierra games, I suppose).

New User
Registered: Dec 2008
From Canada
Posted January 27, 2010
I also am going with Sierra, although I'm less certain about titles published by Activision proper.
So who else is getting up at 06:00 EST for this? :P
--- MrDOS
So who else is getting up at 06:00 EST for this? :P
--- MrDOS

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From Hungary
Posted January 27, 2010
Well, I definitely think they are going to bring us all the PC titles ever released plus Zero Wing.
Post edited January 27, 2010 by drkisszoltan

Poops Darkmatter
Registered: Aug 2009
From United States
Posted January 27, 2010
Well, the team member responded with the names of posters which are getting notified.... search back and see what they said... since we don't have a search function that's good we need to sort 2000 posts by hand... we have 13 hours its all good...
beyond that, it seems that we have solid clues that point to Arcanium from Troika, as well as clues that point to EA, more so EA then another given there history and what they've done DRM wise recently, as in removing all "auth" DRM form all there recent games, while most company's are going to more of a "store" auth system... EA is leading the field in costumer satisfaction..
Activison are litle more then what EA used to be, to big, to powerful, and only care about the bottom line. EA = Customer satisfaction... Activision = MONEY NOAW!
In conclusion its more likely that EA ((still trying to fix its image)) moves to a partnership with gog. Im already a fan again of EA, and if they side with gog ((ubisoft excluded those evil evil people)) i will support them more
On the other side blizz/acti could be it.. but... i doubt it... activision is just to solitary... they just don't seen to ever do what there customers want...
On a side note my buddy from Columbus said Arcanum is in an identity crisis and they are always trying to re-invent themselves as a town.
beyond that, it seems that we have solid clues that point to Arcanium from Troika, as well as clues that point to EA, more so EA then another given there history and what they've done DRM wise recently, as in removing all "auth" DRM form all there recent games, while most company's are going to more of a "store" auth system... EA is leading the field in costumer satisfaction..
Activison are litle more then what EA used to be, to big, to powerful, and only care about the bottom line. EA = Customer satisfaction... Activision = MONEY NOAW!
In conclusion its more likely that EA ((still trying to fix its image)) moves to a partnership with gog. Im already a fan again of EA, and if they side with gog ((ubisoft excluded those evil evil people)) i will support them more
On the other side blizz/acti could be it.. but... i doubt it... activision is just to solitary... they just don't seen to ever do what there customers want...
On a side note my buddy from Columbus said Arcanum is in an identity crisis and they are always trying to re-invent themselves as a town.

Who am I?
Registered: Nov 2009
From United States
Posted January 27, 2010

So who else is getting up at 06:00 EST for this? :P
--- MrDOS
Ill still be at work AND IT WILL BE LUNCH TIME! Sorry kiddoes teach has to run to his room if there is anything I need to buy.... but dont worry.... just take a couple extra hours for lunch!

New User
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted January 27, 2010
I said it once and I'll say it again... all I want are the WIZARDRY games and the ULTIMA series. If not this week, then NEXT week will be fine, too! Ha!