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high rated
Dear GOG Users!
First of all, on behalf of the whole GOG team I'd like to thank you very much for your support and all positive comments we have received in so many posts. This really makes us believe that we do the right thing and gives us even more power and motivation to continue our way of bringing classic games with 100% DRM-free policy.
Second thing is, that if you are happy about what we offer here, please help to spread the word about GOG in other places. We do our best to be visible in as many places as we can, but our efforts have their limits, as there are not as many people working on GOG communication across the web as we'd like (actually two guys, Vandal and me).
Please do not treat it as a request, or something that we expect you to do. No... We just say, help us if you really feel (from deep inside) comfortable with it, and if you think that GOG is worth your help.
Once again, thank you everyone!
And have fun! team via Cook :)
EDIT: You can check our "Spread the word" section to get some banners and maybe even buy yourself a GOG t-shirt!
Post edited February 01, 2010 by Cook
Thanks for supplying a way to buy games without drm!

Here is my little contribution.
Tried to do a pathetic little twist there, hope anyone likes it :D
Post edited November 23, 2010 by velis
I know this is prally not new for you to hear by now, but i want to say thank you for giving me new games and ideas for developing games in the future. Not many sites could have done what you did and are doing for these games. I'm especially thankful for the jagged alliance and warlords battlecry series, two series that i cant believe i never played or heard of before. I will make sure i mention gog whenever i come upon a game freak like myself.
Thank you for my first online game purchase. I went ahead and bought another game from elsewhere and regret that decision. Now I realize how important it is to have DRM-free games. Just buy, download and install anywhere -- OFFLINE! I really like your selection of games (hoping for some more) and the pricing. The whole experience is quite smooth.

I do prefer having the original box & discs, but with your great service, I'm beginning to open up to digitally distributed games. Over time I'm sure to purchase more... slow and steady. :)

Wishing the GOG team the very best.
My girlfriend bought me Sacrifice as a gift on GOG, so I registered here, and when I claimed it, I not only got the game, but all the extras too. The soundtrack, the manual, the official map packs, etc. That is AWESOME.

It lets me experience the game exactly as I would have if I had bought the game when it was new and downloaded all that stuff from the official website. Normally its very hard to find that stuff for old games. God damn, thank you, you guys are awesome.

Sorry for a useless post, just had to get it off my chest =)
Thank you for helping us help you help us all. In other words, Thank you for the great games.
I haven't posted here for a while and I do read all your posts, so let me just say thank you for the "thank yous" and be sure we care and read your posts here :)
Cook: I haven't posted here for a while and I do read all your posts, so let me just say thank you for the "thank yous" and be sure we care and read your posts here :)
Thank you for thanking our thanks to your thanks.

You guys rock!
just wanted to add my two cents for all this. I was kind of sketchy about this place, but I'm hooked now =) I wish you had a 'cart' so i didn't have to do so many single purchase (bank blocked me!) but I love the selection of adventure games!! Great prices, and thanks for including the manuals!!!!!!!!
jhaysonn: just wanted to add my two cents for all this. I was kind of sketchy about this place, but I'm hooked now =) I wish you had a 'cart' so i didn't have to do so many single purchase (bank blocked me!) but I love the selection of adventure games!! Great prices, and thanks for including the manuals!!!!!!!!
Well, actually we do have a "cart" on every game page below the "download now" button you have an option to "add to cart". There's also such option in games catalogue - hover your cursor over the + sign and there you have the "add to cart".

Other than that we're happy you got hooked and have fun with all your classics! :)
bah!! I'm dense. maybe it's a good thing (for me).

Thanks for the service! Look forward to beating these games and gettiing MOAR! =)
I would like to say thank you to the GOG team. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for presenting me with the opportunity to acquire legitimate LEGAL copies of software I had forgotten I wanted.

It's been a complete joy revisiting software that I "could not afford" or was not age appropriate for me when I was young. Keep those titles coming!
I really really really(specialy DRM) like this site i will help spread the word with banners on my website's and tell my friends

I just joined and found out about this Site.

I just also think the new generation should meet these games and play them :)

Isn't there a topic for requesting games like Dungeon Keeper 1,2 or Syndicate or Mad Dog Mccree and not to forget C&C 1/Red alert 1 just the first few of the series and dune:P
Post edited December 27, 2010 by Thepriest
I first heard about GOG from a recent The Witcher newsletter. Sorta read through the email quickly, noticed they were including some free classic rpg's as a bonus to pre-orders through GOG. Didn't think much of it, as I am looking forward to being patient and getting my hands on a physical copy special edition type release(love the 2nd release of the original!). The name of the site stuck with me :)

Well, recently I picked up an Acer A1 netbook and was thinking about how I could convert this little computer into a classic gaming machine. Thought about loading up Baldur's Gate, Fallout, games of this sort and realized... No optical drive, don't want to download crappy torrents(do own the originals, big boxes and all!), really don't want to spend the time trying to get them to run... It's running Windows 7 Starter, no XP mode, etc...

Hmm... I wonder if Planescape: Torment is available anywhere for digital download?? That's a game I purchased long ago and never played. Next thing I know, google brings up GOG and I lose myself in the holiday promo prices. HMMM... This site sounds really cool actually! A company that offers DRM free, legal and Win7 compatible releases of all these Good Old Games... I find myself setting up an account and purchasing 5 titles within the first day!

So far, I am very satisfied with the ease of installation, extras, streamlined purchasing, website design, titles available, prices, community involvement, my own little game shelf and the way that the games run on my NETBOOK!

I would like to thank everyone at GOG for bringing back these great games!

Cheers GOG!
Post edited December 30, 2010 by FossilGamer