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tinyE: I once killed one of my math teachers (took her head off with my grandpa's machete) and blamed it on Gradius.

They bought it and I walked away scot-free.
WTF I killed a turtle and blamed Super Mario Bros. but I did hard time.
iippo: oh the good ol' days when they were happy enough blaming just satanists. Leave my DS alone damn you :(
All I see is a bunch of stupid primates flinging poo at what they don't like(anyone who doesn't like video games is stupid).

Unfortunately over 80% of the "human" population is stupid primates flinging poo at what they don't like...
Post edited May 01, 2014 by monkeydelarge
iippo: oh the good ol' days when they were happy enough blaming just satanists. Leave my DS alone damn you :(
monkeydelarge: All I see is a bunch of stupid primates flinging poo at what they don't like(anyone who doesn't like video games is stupid).

Unfortunately over 80% of the "human" population is stupid primates flinging poo at what they don't like...
that sure does seem to way it "works".
monkeydelarge: All I see is a bunch of stupid primates flinging poo at what they don't like(anyone who doesn't like video games is stupid).

Unfortunately over 80% of the "human" population is stupid primates flinging poo at what they don't like...
iippo: that sure does seem to way it "works".
Yeah, I've seen it happen a million times. Something goes wrong. Then the person most disliked by all the stupid people or something else(video games, heavy metal music) most disliked by all the stupid people is "responsible" for it all. So it's basically just flinging poo at someone or something you don't like... These people don't really want to punish whatever(or whoever) is truly responsible for it all. They just want to fling poo. For example, something goes wrong at the work place, guess who gets blamed? The person who is truly responsible aka Mr. Popular or the anti social neck beard nobody likes? Well for some stupid people, video games = the anti social neck beard nobody likes.
Post edited May 01, 2014 by monkeydelarge
awalterj: In RL, snowballs can be real mean weapons, very effective. Pine cones are also great weapons when there's no snow because you can use them to either stab or throw. The common spruce cones are the best: thin, long, dense and heavy. Best aerodynamics and stabbing properties.
Many happy memories!
The snowball battle is an ancient art which future gentlemen are expected to learn the hard way.

Heck, even Napoleon Bonaparte played it, and ten years later, he wrecked chaos in Italia.
pigdog: and all teenagers are not knife wielding psychopaths.
mystikmind2000: Huh, Even 25 years ago when i was in high school here in Australia, pretty much all the teenagers were psychopaths, and any one of them would have been more than happy to bring a knife rather than back down. I don't know if it was just a particularly bad crop while i was there, but during that time, it was fairly common to see students carried away by ambulance, teachers on extended leave with mental disorders, and even a bashing death (absolutely true). It was like living in the wild surrounded by teeth bearing Babboons, but i have to say, i think in reality, that remark is quite insulting to Babboons!!!!
That does sound extreme - if it's commonplace throughout regions, then that's pretty damn scary.

The story of the teacher being stabbed here is national news as it is unusual. What I don't like is how the media have pounced on the story suggesting all kinds of security measure that teachers and parents on the whole don't want. They then stand outside the school gates with somber faces while chasing parents and teachers for statements. Then they report how the children need to grieve and in some cases, receive therapy.....all the time within a stones throw of the classrooms.
Wesker: The snowball battle is an ancient art which future gentlemen are expected to learn the hard way.
Holy crap, that picture looks brutal...putting rocks into snowballs is no fair! I called those "Stracciatella" snowballs because they look like vanilla ice cream with chocolate chips inside, we made these laced snowballs with gravel that's being used to make roads less slippery during the winter. The little stones aren't rounded but have sharp edges. It's tricky to get the right proportion of snow and gravel. Never ever threw any of those at anyone's face though, that's just barbaric. Even a regular snowballs can knock someone out for a second. I've never seen anyone go K.O. completely but I know what it feels like when you get one full force in the face, your vision is suddenly replaced by a red flash and you're disoriented for a moment. If the opponent already has a stash of snowballs ready, you can end up going into 'hit recovery lock' for a couple times in a row just like Twinsen in LBA.
awalterj: you can end up going into 'hit recovery lock' for a couple times in a row just like Twinsen in LBA.
(Remembers the clone factory)
The horror... the horror... Where I live, it's been years since we had serious snowfall, so I can't check it, but it sounds dissuasive.

That said, does size matter?
jamyskis: Little tip: If you want to quote anything serious from the news, don't quote the Daily Mail - the de facto newspaper of the British Nazi Movement.
It's called the Daily Heil for a reason. Or alternatively the Daily Fail.
Wesker: That said, does size matter?
Haha! But yes of course, size certainly matters. Propulsion is the main problem. Here's another good example:
Wesker: That said, does size matter?
awalterj: Haha! But yes of course, size certainly matters. Propulsion is the main problem. Here's another good example:
No, Haddock's skills are literally over the top. ;)

Apparently, it's a long-running tradition in comics:
xiii-ski.jpg (92 Kb)
35.jpg (20 Kb)
mystikmind2000: I don't know if it was just a particularly bad crop while i was there, but during that time, it was fairly common to see students carried away by ambulance, teachers on extended leave with mental disorders, and even a bashing death (absolutely true).
That reminded me of the Newgrounds flash series Xin. Very violent, but it's exactly about extreme school violence on that level (for season 1 at least).
Wesker: Apparently, it's a long-running tradition in comics:
Ah, my favorite Asterix volume! For obvious reasons :)
In the German translation, the soldier asks the centurion: 'Are you OK?' to which the centurion replies: 'I miss Egypt...'

PS: William Vance rocks, I especially like the work on Ramiro, that's up there with Rosinski's art for Thorgal, real masters those two.
awalterj: Ah, my favorite Asterix volume! For obvious reasons :)
In the German translation, the soldier asks the centurion: 'Are you OK?' to which the centurion replies: 'I miss Egypt...'

PS: William Vance rocks, I especially like the work on Ramiro, that's up there with Rosinski's art for Thorgal, real masters those two.
Are you obsessed by cleanliness? ;)

That's approximately what he says in French, yet in a 'cooler' tone of voice, (pun intended?). I don't know where this particular image comes from, but the text, colours and background are different from the book.

I haven't read any Ramiro book, but yes,not only did Rosinski have a great start in 1980, but he's constantly been maturing and improving his art instead of settling in. Chapeau, l'artiste !
mystikmind2000: Huh, Even 25 years ago when i was in high school here in Australia, pretty much all the teenagers were psychopaths, and any one of them would have been more than happy to bring a knife rather than back down. I don't know if it was just a particularly bad crop while i was there, but during that time, it was fairly common to see students carried away by ambulance, teachers on extended leave with mental disorders, and even a bashing death (absolutely true). It was like living in the wild surrounded by teeth bearing Babboons, but i have to say, i think in reality, that remark is quite insulting to Babboons!!!!
pigdog: That does sound extreme - if it's commonplace throughout regions, then that's pretty damn scary.

The story of the teacher being stabbed here is national news as it is unusual. What I don't like is how the media have pounced on the story suggesting all kinds of security measure that teachers and parents on the whole don't want. They then stand outside the school gates with somber faces while chasing parents and teachers for statements. Then they report how the children need to grieve and in some cases, receive therapy.....all the time within a stones throw of the classrooms.
Precisely why The Simpson's cartoon loves to mock those kind of situations and have some woman jump up and shout "think of the children" when it is absurdly out of context to the situation. Or the Simpsons episode where they ended up with warning signs littered all over the country side..... And many more examples, yea, the writers of The Simpsons have got this issue well and truly numbered. And even despite all that classic mocking, the stupidity shows no sign of slowing down!!