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the student probably mastered backstabbing and demonstrate his research, since school gives you education he thought he should give them back what he learned elsewhere
HereForTheBeer: I guess I need to work on my delivery.

Would it help if I used a Jerry Seinfeld voice? "Ever notice the way video games take the blame instead of shit parenting and underlying psycho-social problems?"

Hmm, still not funny. I'll keep working on it.
Try the Dennis Miller approach:
'If your kid takes something he sees in a game that seriously I don't think you're doing your job as a fuckin' parent.'
Please stop reading the Sun, Mirror and The Telegraph.
They all publish under checked rubbish and plaster it as the next news, So far the only real information - and it is still unconfirmed - about this boys reasoning appears to have been that he had been given detention and was not happy about it.

So until the police investigators actually pass out some real information we should just ignore the stupid media circus they wish to create about computer games. I am sure they have been sitting on this one for some time so they can stop us playing anything more violent then the Aussies can.
If you outlaw guns, people will kill with knives and if you outlaw knives people will kill with bricks. Then they'll blame games like Sim City.
People who blame things like this on computer games are brainless morons who completely fail to see where the real problem lies.... and i believe the real problem is the same problem which is directly or in some way indirectly involved in 90% of all problems in western society, that problem being the lack of 'old fashioned' discipline at school.

Society in general is pretty desperate to live in denial over this, i mean, ever heard the lyrics "you could march me up to the gates of hell but i won't back down", well this is the tune society is singing rather than facing up to the truth that we need real discipline at school.
And yes, it's a crappy thing to happen to the teacher, and it's going to be a difficult period for the family and friends. In all seriousness I wish these things were not being, I dunno, cheapened by tossing in some sensationalism. There are likely some serious underlying problems with the student that were not being addressed, and that's the other personal tragedy.
As a parent of two intelligent teenagers in the UK, their view as well as friends and teachers, is that schools should continue to operate as they are. There's the usual media frenzy that starts questioning whether security needs to be cranked up and to look for a sensationalist reason behind the stabbing.

In reality, most parents acknowledge that it's awful and tragic but schools should not be run like prison and all teenagers are not knife wielding psychopaths.
He was bullied everyday and he has no friends...BUT was obviously Dark Souls that pushed him to the point of stabbing a teacher. < - sarcasm
Post edited April 30, 2014 by monkeydelarge
pigdog: and all teenagers are not knife wielding psychopaths.
Huh, Even 25 years ago when i was in high school here in Australia, pretty much all the teenagers were psychopaths, and any one of them would have been more than happy to bring a knife rather than back down. I don't know if it was just a particularly bad crop while i was there, but during that time, it was fairly common to see students carried away by ambulance, teachers on extended leave with mental disorders, and even a bashing death (absolutely true). It was like living in the wild surrounded by teeth bearing Babboons, but i have to say, i think in reality, that remark is quite insulting to Babboons!!!!
awalterj: If you outlaw guns, people will kill with knives and if you outlaw knives people will kill with bricks. Then they'll blame games like Sim City.
Then the Great Snowball Wars will take their toll and Pong will be the Enemy.
Early this morning in Sacramento California, a 15 year old boy named Jason Manheim was taken into custody after it was discovered he was building a massive sub-orbital space craft in his parents' basement. The craft, believed to be sizable and well equipped enough to support millions of people for several decades, is also believed to be capable of opening worm holes into space and time making it possible to travel to the other side of the known universe and beyond.

Several parents groups and high ranking civic leaders in the area have put out a call to the designers and distributors of the popular game series "Homeworld" demanding they be held accountable for actions they have deemed as having had a "direct influence" on Jason and his questionable conduct.
Maybe if he would have used a cat as a silencer then I might consider video games to blame, but even then it is still all on him with a dose of bad parenting.
oh the good ol' days when they were happy enough blaming just satanists. Leave my DS alone damn you :(
Wesker: Then the Great Snowball Wars will take their toll and Pong will be the Enemy.
In fact, I did use the Snowball Blast stage in Ski or Die to train during the summer months. (go to 2:15)

In RL, snowballs can be real mean weapons, very effective. Pine cones are also great weapons when there's no snow because you can use them to either stab or throw. The common spruce cones are the best: thin, long, dense and heavy. Best aerodynamics and stabbing properties.
Many happy memories!
When something happens in the world and made it's way to the web, you can report that on reddit.

But don't start reporting on gog what happens on reddit please.
Post edited May 01, 2014 by Potzato