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As our catalog gets bigger and better every week, it's easy to lose track of some of the awesome games that we have to offer. We've been running one day "Gaming Gem" promos for a while now to highlight some classic titles that don't get the love of some of our best-known blockbusters like Baldur's Gate or Duke Nukem 3D. To celebrate summer, for the next two weeks until July 25th, we're going to run a Gaming Gem promo every day, so you can rediscover these lesser-known classics! Grab that plastic toy shovel and dig out gem after gem over the next 18 days. We think every game we're going to be offering on our Summer Gem Extravaganza will be an excellent title, and we hope you give them all a try.

Today’s hidden gem is [url=]Uru: Complete Chronicles, the ultimate Myst. Initially designed to be played online. As all Myst series games this is more than an adventure game, it’s a real quest. You’re on an island exploring ancient ruins where everything has to be cracked and solved by your brain. It also features a rich character creator and either a first or a third person camera. No inventory means no pixel hunting and only the brilliant and outright oldschool logic puzzles are a treat for any fan of the genre. Even if you’re not a fan, this promo is the best chance to become one! The D’ni civilization created Linking Books, magical gates to other realms which are called “Ages”. Each one of them has a different “feel” and you must visit them all to fulfill the ancient prophecy before it’s too late!

This game features fully real-time rendered 3D graphics, complete with a physics engine which is creatively used in the puzzles as well.The whole musical side of Uru, and especially the ambient bits that complete the mysterious atmosphere, are a bigger treat than the superb graphics. Uru: Complete Chronicles includes Uru: Ages Beyond Myst and the expansion packs The Path of the Shell and To D'ni.

Don’t miss out on this Cyan Worlds hidden gem, get it now only for $3.99 for the next 24 hours!

awww i was so close someone snagged it before me lol congrats :D
I have never heard of this game, so it definately fits into the hidden gem area, one of the reviews says its like myst, i never played any myst game so, whats it like?
Post edited July 22, 2011 by ShogunDarius
URU was amazing it was an online living breathing world like myst was its kinda like a point and click but so much more because you are given no information as to what to do. its a pure exploraion game full of puzzles and small clues ^.^ its really hard to explain lol

edit: forgot to mention this version is not online @.@ sorry i been up all night
Post edited July 22, 2011 by SladeStrife
Pass for me on this one.
SladeStrife: URU was amazing it was an online living breathing world like myst was its kinda like a point and click but so much more because you are given no information as to what to do. its a pure exploraion game full of puzzles and small clues ^.^ its really hard to explain lol
Is it more puzzle/logical game or more adventure game?

I haven't played Myst series at all, but if Uru is more puzzle then it could go to my wishlist.
its alittle of both theres a big sense of wandering around and poking random things but once you find that AHA! moment and get a puzzle going its fun putting everything where it belongs its a great balance but very hard to describe hopefully someone else can give you a better description then me lol im wishlisting it as of right now cause im broke lol
Hm, not sure what to think of this. Is this point and click puzzle frustration without the story that drives you onwards? A world to explore like in online RPGs with all the drawback of running to and fro and spending a lot of time on traveling but without any exciting encounters, action and danger?

Seems kinda weird, a game hard to define. But maybe that's a good thing? Anyway, I have a thing for good atmosphere, immersive graphics and character customization, and I'm still happy enough about discovering Enclave for $2.39 that I might give URU a try, at the risk of not playing through it but at least experience a few minutes of curiosity and not losing all that much considering how cheap I got all the "Enclave" fun. :D

One question though, is it possible to fully enjoy URU without ever having played Myst and knowing nothing of its world?
i belive so i played URU back when it was on gametap and only kinda dabbled with myst and this was what got me to get myst and play threw it then riven and then pyst {but that was just for comedy value lol}
Oh, and does the game feature an automap?
i dont remember its been years since i played the online version wish i could be more help :(
The game does not feature automap, but thats not really necessary, because there are some maps and drawings you can find, and the ages themself are not vey big. Only the city itself is quite big, but there are certain "entrypoints" you can activate while exploring.
Oh and theres actually absolutely no action and danger, since you are actually the only human inthere ;)
Post edited July 22, 2011 by Spellbreaker1979
A load of adventures, load of RTS and very little RPG! I demand RPGs!!!!
since the online version is FREE and up and running as well, I don't really see any point in buying this. :o I might be wrong, though ... is there something different with the single player-version compared to the online one?
Post edited July 22, 2011 by Sotha