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As our catalog gets bigger and better every week, it's easy to lose track of some of the awesome games that we have to offer. We've been running one day "Gaming Gem" promos for a while now to highlight some classic titles that don't get the love of some of our best-known blockbusters like Baldur's Gate or Duke Nukem 3D. To celebrate summer, for the next two weeks until July 25th, we're going to run a Gaming Gem promo every day, so you can rediscover these lesser-known classics! Grab that plastic toy shovel and dig out gem after gem over the next 18 days. We think every game we're going to be offering on our Summer Gem Extravaganza will be an excellent title, and we hope you give them all a try.

Today’s hidden gem is [url=]Uru: Complete Chronicles, the ultimate Myst. Initially designed to be played online. As all Myst series games this is more than an adventure game, it’s a real quest. You’re on an island exploring ancient ruins where everything has to be cracked and solved by your brain. It also features a rich character creator and either a first or a third person camera. No inventory means no pixel hunting and only the brilliant and outright oldschool logic puzzles are a treat for any fan of the genre. Even if you’re not a fan, this promo is the best chance to become one! The D’ni civilization created Linking Books, magical gates to other realms which are called “Ages”. Each one of them has a different “feel” and you must visit them all to fulfill the ancient prophecy before it’s too late!

This game features fully real-time rendered 3D graphics, complete with a physics engine which is creatively used in the puzzles as well.The whole musical side of Uru, and especially the ambient bits that complete the mysterious atmosphere, are a bigger treat than the superb graphics. Uru: Complete Chronicles includes Uru: Ages Beyond Myst and the expansion packs The Path of the Shell and To D'ni.

Don’t miss out on this Cyan Worlds hidden gem, get it now only for $3.99 for the next 24 hours!
OlegBeloV: This game has been free to download for a quite long time.
I'm seeing pirate sites that are offering it, but any legitimate gaming site is offering it for sale.

Are you thinking of the MMO side of the game where the source code was released? The games are not exacts and I think you need to have the help of friends with the free version whereas the version for sale here is optimized for one player puzzle solutions.
Even if you're not (yet ;-)) a fan of the series or you're not too into adventure games, I'd suggest picking Uru: CC up. Uru is not an adventure game like, say, MI. Uru's puzzles are logical and ranging from easy to quite hard.

If you want to play with other people, I suggest checking out the free online version called MOULa. It features almost all the content (but not story) from CC, plus several new Ages.

In short, buy CC if you prefer a single-player game/this is your first introduction to Uru (the multiplayer mechanics are a bit confusing for a newcomer), or you're interested in the differences between the two and seeing how the story was around the cancellation of Uru Live, around 2004. Just keep in mind that this has multiplayer content converted into single player, so some puzzles make more sense online.
hucklebarry: ...
Thanks for the reply. One of the biggest problems I have with adventure games is when the way to solve something is weird and off the wall. I prefer solutions that are fairly logical. For example, if I come across a conspicuous-looking crate, and it looks like I can do something to it, but nothing I have in my inventory works, I still know that at some point, I'll need to do something with it. And then, later, I pick up a crowbar. Immediately I know that the crowbar is what I needed for the box.

That was one of the things I liked most about the puzzles and such in Amnesia: The Dark Descent. They were logical and I always knew when and how to do something.

Based on what you said, the puzzles and such in this game are logical, not off the wall. If so, then I'll definitely consider picking this game up.

Again, thanks for the reply.
I liked this game, up till the point where I could not complete it and had to delete it. I got to the part where you have to grab some fireflies, and then "jump" across the teeniest, tiniest, smallest drivel of water (stream) and I simply could... not... do it. Every single time somehow I stepped in the water, the fireflies disappeared, and you had to go alllll the way back to Timbuktu to grab them again, and repeat the whole nonsense again. There were no cheats (that I ever found) so I very unhappily had to quit the game being only about 80% of the way through.

But until then I enjoyed it!
tritone: I liked this game, up till the point where I could not complete it and had to delete it. I got to the part where you have to grab some fireflies, and then "jump" across the teeniest, tiniest, smallest drivel of water (stream) and I simply could... not... do it. Every single time somehow I stepped in the water, the fireflies disappeared, and you had to go alllll the way back to Timbuktu to grab them again, and repeat the whole nonsense again. There were no cheats (that I ever found) so I very unhappily had to quit the game being only about 80% of the way through.

But until then I enjoyed it!
You can only jump once with the fireflies, they'll go away with a second jump. They also go away with water, so rain, steam from the vents or a bad jump that ends up in the water are also a no-no. Anyway, the baskets lying around the inside of the caves by the lake are there to make the jumps over the water less of a problem ;)
tritone: I liked this game, up till the point where I could not complete it and had to delete it. I got to the part where you have to grab some fireflies, and then "jump" across the teeniest, tiniest, smallest drivel of water (stream) and I simply could... not... do it. Every single time somehow I stepped in the water, the fireflies disappeared, and you had to go alllll the way back to Timbuktu to grab them again, and repeat the whole nonsense again. There were no cheats (that I ever found) so I very unhappily had to quit the game being only about 80% of the way through.

But until then I enjoyed it!
That's the exact same reason why I uninstalled it years ago and never looked back, until now that is.

I was willing to give it a second try, but thanks for reminding me not to.
I decided to buy it. I don't have many games like this, and in the event I don't enjoy it, it won't hurt much. It was only $3.99, after all. Plus, this is the first game I've purchased from GOG's summer sale.
gutoraffaelli: That's the exact same reason why I uninstalled it years ago and never looked back, until now that is.

I was willing to give it a second try, but thanks for reminding me not to.
I really don't see how you guys can't do the jump. By previously placing the lobster traps in the proper places there's really nothing to it. I mean, it's one jump, the first stream can be crossed by simply making a 'bridge' with a trap and walking over it.

Anyway, if everything else failed you guys could always upload your sav folder someplace and ask someone else to do the jump for you. That's the only jumping section in the entire game iirc, it seems a pitty to miss all the rest on account of that. Kinda like missing out on The Witcher 2 on account of the Kayran QTE ;)
Got it. I am actually more interested in the fact that it was part of the failed online community than it being a part of the Myst series.
Couldn't resist..... I'm kind of intrigued by a lot of the things I've read about it. Including the whole failed MMO thing. And I needed a good adventure game.
Daedalus1138: I decided to buy it. I don't have many games like this
If you enjoy it, you should also get the older and related games Myst and Riven. Both have the same style as Uru, and are pretty much the origin story, along with the three published novels.

Blue Adept: Got it. I am actually more interested in the fact that it was part of the failed online community than it being a part of the Myst series.
Myst Online. We actually have a lot of accounts considering the lack of advertising it gets. But well, Cyan doesn't have the funds to make it great once again.
Post edited July 23, 2011 by dragossh
I decided against this, i never played Myst so this was a unknown game for me and i didnt want being dissapointed and feeling i wasted my money, no offence to the devs though
deonast: you do know you can rate it low and click the report spam button next to the post? Just saying although you have now put that Monty Python song in my head now.
mgol: Where do you see this "report spam" button?
I'm assuming it appears after you low rate the comment. I hit the '-' icon and the report spam was there. Perhaps it only appears after a few people low rate a comment?
Thinking about it, it may have been hidden, I may have used the unhide option to reveal the comment, rated it low then got the report as spam option.
Post edited July 24, 2011 by deonast
mgol: Where do you see this "report spam" button?
deonast: I'm assuming it appears after you low rate the comment. I hit the '-' icon and the report spam was there. Perhaps it only appears after a few people low rate a comment?
Thinking about it, it may have been hidden, I may have used the unhide option to reveal the comment, rated it low then got the report as spam option.
It always appears after hitting the minus button. It won't appear on the news pages ( for some reason, but you can see it on the actual forum pages (

Also, the same is true for stars. Stars to the right of a user's rep don't appear on news pages, and as you can see, posting long links like I did will cause text to become oddly spaced. I thought about fixing my post, but decided to leave it as is so you could see an example.
Post edited July 24, 2011 by Skunk
deonast: I'm assuming it appears after you low rate the comment. I hit the '-' icon and the report spam was there. Perhaps it only appears after a few people low rate a comment?
Thinking about it, it may have been hidden, I may have used the unhide option to reveal the comment, rated it low then got the report as spam option.
Skunk: It always appears after hitting the minus button. It won't appear on the news pages ( for some reason, but you can see it on the actual forum pages (

Also, the same is true for stars. Stars to the right of a user's rep don't appear on news pages, and as you can see, posting long links like I did will cause text to become oddly spaced. I thought about fixing my post, but decided to leave it as is so you could see an example.
Good observations, I see what you mean.