arxon: I'm not gonna buy anything as i detest regional pricing. I do have a bunch of steam games from the era when pricing was fair, but nowadays i just don't care about steam.
That's a fair choice of course, many people are disenfranchised by regional pricing. For myself the way I look at it when considering purchasing anything anywhere is more along the lines of "what price is being offered to me personally" whether I know what other people might be paying or not, and whether I'm charged differently or not (higher or lower), and then once I know what price is being offered to me on GOG/Steam/Amazon/Walmart/wherever, I think to myself "does this game/product/whatever" seem like a good exchange of value/benefits to me for the price being offered to me right now?"
For example, if I am being offered a game for $10 and after looking into the game trailers and other materials I decide that $10 is a super good deal for the game and that I'd even consider paying $15 for it. I end up definitely thinking to myself that i am going to get my $10 worth of entertainement and enjoyment out of the title for that price and I'm happy with paying that much for it. So, I go ahead and do it and I'm happy for getting the game and the store/publisher/whoever is happy for making some money.
Scenario number two is the same as above only now I am made aware somehow that someone in another country is being offered the game for $7 instead of $10 and someone in another country is being offered the game for $15 instead of $10. In all cases lets say that we are all being offered the game at say... 75% off the regular price in our own region. But I still have to pay $10. The way I look at it for myself is that nothing is different to me from example 1 above. I've valued the game and perceive that $10 is a good deal for it and that I'll get my money's worth out of it and I'll thus buy it, or I perceive that $10 is too much and I'd rather wait for a lower price. In either case, I decide the dollar amount I'm willing to pay for the game because that's the price I see the entertainment value worth for me. If the game's offered price to me in my region is at or lower than the price I have valued the game at (or box of cereal, pair of Levi's jeans, toboggan, new shoes, whatever) then I will or might buy it. If the price is higher than what I value it at, then I probably wont buy it. It's that simple for me personally. What price other people in other parts of the world may or may not pay for the game/shoes/hubcaps/barrel of bananas/whatever makes no difference to me whether they pay a higher price or a lower price because it has no impact on my personal life.
The only thing that matters to me personally is whether I value a product (game or otherwise) equal or higher than the price I'm being asked to pay for it. If I do, then I very well might buy it. Doesn't matter if it is on GOG, Steam, Walmart, the corner store, Bob's Chicken Emporium, or even as long as I perceive the value I receive exceeds the money that will leave my wallet.
In no way whatsoever am I implying or suggesting that others should share my view. Everyone should have their own view, and decide what works or does not work for them with their own reasoning because we all have different priorities and preferences, values, ethics, and life story. I just thought I would share my perspective and how it seems to work out well enough for me. It all boils down though to "If I think something is overpriced for what I get, I just don't buy it." in the end. ;)