maycett: So, ys origin and ys the oath in something are 75% off. I've heard good things about them, but JRPGs usually bore me to death. Are the Ys games very different and interesting?
Snickersnack: They're action games. Try the Origins Demo and see if you like it. Ys Origins was insta buy for me a $4.99 but I've already got 5 games in the series.
Edit: Ninja'ed by DCT!
Which ones do you recommend the most? If not all :)
I played oath in felghana (my first ys game, got origins now too) a while ago and I loved every single minute of it. What no youtube video can show is just how entertaining and satisfying ys's hack and slash is, it's kinda arcade-y. And unless you play it on easy (which is ridiculously easy) it can get quite hard depending on your skill&precision. Origins is supposed to be easier than felghana (don't know if it's true, will find out soon), but oath's normal mode, at least as far as bosses go, resembles the hard(er) modes in other games. You might end up dying a lot, but once you get the hang of the boss' pattern and 'train' a little, it's a breeze and SO damn satisfying. The difficulty can be ramped up to inferno (hard-nightmare-inferno). The soundtrack is badass too. Oh right, there's the platforming element which is kinda bland at first, but later on in the game it becomes really fun. Basically one should think of both oath and origins as action games with platforming and rpg elements. Oath is generally considered to be the better game, but origins offers more variety since you can play it with more characters.