honorbuddy: I agree, Europe is getting raped here. But doesn't the same thing happen in retail stores? When I go back home in Spain, I see that the new releases are a fuckton, like 50 euros, especially for consoles, although on pc prices go down much much faster, and I usually get a year or two old games for like 10 euros when they are still going for $40 here in the states.
Depends on where you are, I guess. Some publishers are starting to figure out that in certain regions, it makes more sense to price things lower than in the US of A. CDProjekt are fairly awesome in this respect - I'd buy more of their games if they weren't all localized and they didn't have that criminally ugly HUGE yellow "heythisisacdprojektpublishedgameyesweknowweareawesome" stickers on them. The Witcher, for instance, retailed for the equivalent of 40$. When the enhanced edition got released, that cost the same. Compare that to the WoW: WotLK Collector's Edition going for a measly 110$ (the normal one's 50$).
There are some other examples, like Ubisoft's Far Cry 2 starting at 35$, or the Soviet Overlord 1C Publishing's King's Bounty: The Legend going for 25$.
Still, there definitely are a couple games in the 50€ (i.e. fuckton) region as well. An exhaustive list, for those who care:
Call of Duty 4 and 5, Red Alert 3, FIFA 2009, Flight Simulator X Gold, GTA4, James Bond: Quantum of Solace, Left 4 Dead, LotR: Conquest, Mirror's Edge, NFS: Undercover, NHL 2009, Spore, Warhammer: Online.
Sorting by prices also made me realize that none of the titles published by CDProjekt go higher than 40$. Poland is not far from here, so I'd wager they better know their audience than other publishers.