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Wishbone: You need to look at the bigger picture; don't oversimplify the matter at hand.

Well, I think that $1 = €1 is oversimplification, don't you?
Yeah... what's your point exactly?
And also, does anyone here HONESTLY believe that Valve had a meeting and were like "Hey let's screw the Europeans. That should be fun!"
The weak dollar was the only reason I bought games on Steam.
With that gone, I think I'll just start buying games on eBay from UK sellers now that the British pound is collapsing :)
Wishbone: You need to look at the bigger picture; don't oversimplify the matter at hand.
TheKreep: Well, I think that $1 = €1 is oversimplification, don't you?
Yeah... what's your point exactly?
And also, does anyone here HONESTLY believe that Valve had a meeting and were like "Hey let's screw the Europeans. That should be fun!"

Oh no,
they don't think that it is fun. They think it is more money and see if we can get away with it.
Wishbone: You need to look at the bigger picture; don't oversimplify the matter at hand.
TheKreep: Well, I think that $1 = €1 is oversimplification, don't you?
Yeah... what's your point exactly?
And also, does anyone here HONESTLY believe that Valve had a meeting and were like "Hey let's screw the Europeans. That should be fun!"

Well that means they think Europeans are stupid?
While it was in beta(weekend) it got hundreds of replies about the pricing which was ignored. So yeah I think they held a meeting and decided to screw us europeans, for money and fun.
I've joined the "Rest of the World" member group on Steam. I really want the rest of the world to be treated fairly (and for Worldwide releases to ACTUALLY BE WORLDWIDE!)
This is a blow to my confidence as they are pushing the other markets away. I feel bad, guys.. I really do. That said, Steam is still one of the best options for US customers.
(And by the way, I remember Fallout 3 being US$49.99 at launch on Steam, not US$54.99).
Please learn how quote tags work. You're twisting the argument around. This is correct.
TheKreep: You need to look at the bigger picture; don't oversimplify the matter at hand.
Wishbone: Well, I think that $1 = €1 is oversimplification, don't you?
Post edited December 20, 2008 by Wishbone
wojciechfelczak: Steam: Disciples2: GR + ROTE = 40E (without tax)
GOG: Disciples 2 Gold = 10$ (including tax)

Price in € on Steam is with VAT, but still:
wojciechfelczak: GOG >>>>>>>> Steam
Qbix: Oh no,
they don't think that it is fun. They think it is more money and see if we can get away with it.

Not sure it's Valve that thought they could get away with it, though. As Vandal pointed out, the publishers themselves are likely well aware of this - nothing's stopping them from selling the titles at the same price as retail. And indeed, in some cases, that's exactly what's happening. The Witcher: EE, for instance, is half an euro cheaper than at retail.
Sure, it's still pretty silly that digital goods sell for the same as the boxed versions, but that's mostly the doing of retailers, as far as I'm aware.
Post edited December 20, 2008 by pkt-zer0
Well, most, if not all bigger companies don't care about their customers, only about the money. Like making 20% more profit then last year, therefore firing 20% more people then last year, and cutting the pay of the employees, because the money is needed for the 3rd privat jet and the $5 million bonus for the manager(s).
So the move Valve (and backed up by the publishers) made is nothing special, even less when you think about what some publishers are known for, like letting the customer find out how to get a game working, or where bugs/flawed design make up for content..
This doesn't make it better, though.
So i would say, yeah, they decided to screw us, mostly for money, but why not get some fun out of it if they are doing it anyways?
Well, that puts it nicely.
Obviously Steam is showing it's hate for the world by doing this.
Well, im not buying from steam again with the new prices.
Fallout 3
Steam: 372 Danish kroners
Shop: 288 Danish kroners
It pretty much speaks for it self.
Talk about further discrimination. EA titles are now available on Steam, but only for USA. Can anyone explain why on Earth can't they also make room for them on the European version?
Absynthe: Talk about further discrimination. EA titles are now available on Steam, but only for USA. Can anyone explain why on Earth can't they also make room for them on the European version?

Prices, and availability, is usually set by the publisher/developer and not Valve. So ask EA!
"We are pleased to extend our holiday titles to gamers worldwide via Steam" - so either John Pleasants from EA is an idiot or for some reason the real worldwide release is somehow delayed.
Well, after all I think it's a lot of heat for nothing. At a closer look I too realized that EU prices include VAT while those in the US do not (VAT is added after the processing of the order). So it's pretty much the same thing. I know I'll keep using Steam. It's a reliable method to get the games i need to review ASAP immediately after the release date (that, of course, if I don't get review samples from my boss before the actual release)